Silly Cat Is Exceptionally Bad At Hiding, And It's Hilarious
"He thinks we absolutely can not see him."

Every cat has a story and this cat is no exception. But some cats have more interesting stories than others and this is definitely one of those cats.
Keanu, the kitten, was rescued from an industrial warehouse where his human-mama was working at the time. As a kitten, he was shy and afraid initially, but he quickly got used to his new family and became a total sweetheart.
"He is cautious for the first five seconds he meets someone, then he is instantly their best friend," Keanu's owner, Dani Baker, explained. "When he's not hiding, Keanu likes finding lizards and leaving them (alive and physically unharmed) in his dad's shoes, gym bag, work bag, etc."
But, even though this kitty named Keanu loves to socialize, one of his favorite pastimes is hiding wherever he can. While Keanu seems to believe he is a hiding expert, in actual fact, his hiding skills could use some definite improvement.
We're definitely not cat shaming, we're all about celebrating this silly, quirky kitty cat and we think you'll adore this cat's story, too!
"He hides in different spots," Dani said of his cat. "He gets creative, depending on the furniture around."

"But it's always in the room where his dad is. We joke that Keanu is always spying or keeping a watchful eye on his dad."
Keanu certainly knows all the fun spots to hide, even though most of the time, his family can see exactly where he is. It seems he is blissfully unaware that he is visible every time.
"He thinks we absolutely can not see him," Dani said. "We call to him (and he normally meows back), but when he's hiding, he doesn't respond - even if we tap his feet to let him know we see him, he won't move."

Keanu always has his reasons for hiding. Whether he's after a moment of privacy for a quick nap, or he just wants to keep a close watch on his family.

Unsurprisingly, Keanu's latest favorite place to hide is under the Christmas tree. You keep doing you, Keanu!
