20 Choosing Beggars Trying To Scam People Into Babysitting For Free
As if they don't know how hard watching kids for free is when it's the reason they're looking for babysitters

Babysitters, nannies, or childcare, whichever way you want to call it, should be paid what they deserve. The circumstances they face are not easy and you’re literally trusting them with your children.
Parents aren’t the best bosses to deal with either. They would give them a list of rules that they should strictly abide by and it’s harder when they’re working for a new family.
Babysitters are expected to keep their eye on the children every second they’re there without room to even pee sometimes. Parents can’t even do that themselves and yet there’s a special breed of them that tries to scam nannies into babysitting for free.
The situation is unfortunately common. There are a lot of stories online about how parents find every loophole and way to squeeze babysitters in to watch their kids for hours then turn up without paying them.
There are also people who post job descriptions online trying to bait unsuspecting babysitters, offering less than minimum wage for a mountain of requirements. It gets ridiculous the more it goes on.
They can be labeled as choosing beggars. Choosing beggars are those who exploit people for services and products but choose not to pay them.
They’re notorious in Reddit stories, under the subreddit r/choosingbeggars. And to know more about these kinds of Karens, we’ve listed out a number of them to cringe over.
This woman is looking through the crooks and crannies of the law to get the poor guy to pay child support

Those list of references would call you up instead to tell you to not take that job

Adventures that the babysitter also has to pay with his own money

Another less than minimum wage salary for an offer.

Blocking out the haters a.k.a. those who are pointing out what’s right

Who’s up to watch a toddler all day long for $2.50 per hour?

If you want a higher rate, you can watch this kid for $3 per hour

There’s a reason that people might not have kids and they’re not up to deal with yours

Look at this choosing beggar telling a babysitter what they should be worth

Always make sure you know what you’re getting into

What’s worse than people exploiting you? Family members doing that dirty deed too

They really try to bait you with collective big numbers

If it’s a deal-breaker then they could kiss your services goodbye

Even companies who offer entry-level job positions don’t even ask for this much sometimes

It’s an infant and toddlers to look after, do you really want to hire those who only pass the bare minimum of your offer?

Entitlement oozing out of this one

Some don’t just bait you for free babysitting, they try to get you to clean their house too for the low low price of cents

Here’s another $25 offer per day as if the concept of babysitting is so hard to grasp

All of these health hazards and it’s still common courtesy to watch the baby for free

It wouldn’t be this hard to look for someone if you aren’t doing anything wrong

Parents like these are running on an entitlement high and wouldn’t reflect their own experiences of hard parenting. If roles are reversed and you told them that what they do like watching their kids every single day for free is easy, they would probably flip out.
Do you think people are overreacting when they call out these choosing beggars? You can say what you think in our comments.
