A Camera Caught Baby Weasels Having Fun On A Trampoline, And The Video Is Adorable

Trampolines are fun for all species!

  • Published in Animals
A Camera Caught Baby Weasels Having Fun On A Trampoline, And The Video Is Adorable

Robert Fuller is a wildlife artist based in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, and he loves his job. The best proof is the fact that he shares his property with wild animals such as hedgehogs, owls, foxes, badgers, and a family of stoats.

And when he built a jungle gym with a trampoline on his property, he never expected it would bring so much joy to them. The stoats usually keep to themselves and don’t spend too much time in the open. But it turned out that the trampoline was too much of a temptation for them.

“I first noticed a stoat on the trampoline around 2015,” Fuller told says. “It had been snowing, and I followed the stoat’s paw prints all the way up to the trampoline and all over it, too!”

He then placed 80 remote cameras on his property to get to know them better and maybe even catch them using the trampoline.

Robert Fuller

“When I developed my camera set-up a few years later, the trampoline was a prime contender for a camera and I soon had exciting clips of stoats bouncing and having fun,” Fuller says. “The stoat kits seem to meet at the trampoline to play and have fun! They seem to like the texture of the material and use it for particularly bouncy playfights and stretching.”

Robert Fuller

Watch the video here:


But the trampoline isn’t only the stoats’ favorite – other animals use it too, and some of them even train their hunting skills there.

“The whole children’s climbing frame has been great for the kits to practice their hunting skills and even play a stoat version of hide-and-seek,” Fuller explained.


Even though the stoats use it most, they don’t mind sharing the jungle gym with owls, badgers, and other animals.

And the happiest with this arrangement is Fuller. He managed to get a glimpse into the nocturnal life of the wild animals and discovered that they also love having fun and being goofy.
