Baby Boomer Gets Shut Down After Saying That Everyone Who Wants A Free Education Should Just Join The Military

Title may as well read: baby boomer is completely wrong, again.

  • Published in Funny
Baby Boomer Gets Shut Down After Saying That Everyone Who Wants A Free Education Should Just Join The Military

One of the most contentious discussions in politics is whether or not education should be free. The debate differs around the world; with some countries having completely free tertiary education, others having a payback scheme, and others having to pay entirely upfront. Being highly educated and having further qualifications often leads to a higher income; so, those that cannot access it often end up trapped in poverty cycles.

The cost of college and university is a huge barrier that prevents many poor people from being able to access it. This impacts and restricts their employment opportunities. Those that do pursue higher education often graduate with crippling debt. Given low wages and increasing unemployment and underemployment rates, poor people often struggle to pay for their education.

This was the post that started the debate.

This was the post that started the debate.Jimmy Rat on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

And they were SLAMMED in the comments

And they were SLAMMED in the commentsFacebook (via Bored Panda)

(Okay but don't even bother to argue if you aren't going to use the phrase "gollee gee whillickers.")

Facebook (via Bored Panda)

No one expects education to be free, just affordable.

In Australia, domestic students don't have to pay upfront for university, they get a loan which defers until they are earning over a threshold amount (about $50k). This means that, with no hefty upfront cost and no immediate need to pay it off, more people are able to get a degree than may not be able to otherwise.

No one expects education to be free, just affordable.Facebook (via Bored Panda)

But minimum wage hasn't increased with inflation!

But minimum wage hasn't increased with inflation!Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Given the market demand for education, and no government policy saying otherwise, institutions are able to increase their fees as they wish.

Given the market demand for education, and no government policy saying otherwise, institutions are able to increase their fees as they wish.Facebook (via Bored Panda)

And textbook prices? Literally WHAT.

And textbook prices? Literally WHAT. Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Paying off student debt? In THIS economy.

Paying off student debt? In THIS economy.Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Increase! Access! To! Education!

Increase! Access! To! Education!Facebook (via Bored Panda)

ALSO back to the point about joining the military.

Poor kids are disproportionately targeted by the military with enlisting being seen as a solution to their poverty. The part where they have to travel to a foreign country, kill innocent civilians and maybe be killed themselves is conveniently neglected.

Army propaganda often paints the military as an adventure, rather than the horrific reality.

ALSO back to the point about joining the military. Spiel_Foss on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

People are literally leaving the United States for a better wage elsewhere.

And universal healthcare!

Seriously, what is wrong with that country?

People are literally leaving the United States for a better wage elsewhere.adamnredwine on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

People > profit

People > profitGtotheBizzle on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

A one step solution

A one step solution12mo on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

Tax the rich to improve the lives of the poor!

Tax the rich to improve the lives of the poor!themarajade1 on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

Baby boomers are not willing to listen

Baby boomers are not willing to listenBezerkMushroom on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

All these things are completely possible and they literally improve society as a whole

All these things are completely possible and they literally improve society as a wholePole2019 on Reddit (via Bored Panda)

Capitalism doesn't work

(and neither can we because there's no damn jobs!)

Capitalism doesn't workradeongt on Reddit (via Bored Panda)