Photos of Ugly Baby Birds And Their Glow Up From Baby To Adulthood
Baby bird pictures are super cute but rare. Here are some of the most precious baby to adult bird transition pictures.

The "cute baby animal pictures" genre is dominated, almost hijacked by pups and kittens, which is not a problem for anyone. However, in this genre, the rarest baby pictures are of the birds.
Too often, we don't find baby bird pictures other than chicks or ducks. It's because birds go through a weird phase of growing up and take the time to be at their absolute best.
And when they do grow up, the featherless, helpless chicks become majestic, attractive birds. Some of these glow-ups are a work of art and surely surprise everyone.
These little chirpers are more than just cute. They possess some exciting capabilities that will leave you speechless.
Have you seen baby peacocks or woodpeckers? If not, you can't imagine how cute the little ones look.
The following post compiles the most beautiful baby to adult pictures that can make anyone's day in a matter of seconds. You will also learn some lesser-known facts about them.
Mother nature keeps all the creatures in its care and looks after them. It's exciting and refreshing at the same time.
Read through as you have signed up for a virtual bird watch. This is totally going to be a fun experience, and don't forget to share it with your loved ones.
1. They are cute all the way
The Great Tit is a common garden bird and has striking features. These cute little birds are called Meise in German.

2. The friendly Cockatoo
If one wants a cockatoo as a pet, they need to have a dustpan handy. Many new owners quickly find out that these birds produce a cloud of dust to keep their feathers clean and tidy.
It’s great for the cockatoo. However, not so great for the bird owner’s house.

3. Both the baby and adult Ostrich are full of steez
Ostrich is the flightless but fastest bird on land. Fun fact, the male ostriches are capable of making a roaring sound like a lion.

4. It seems Eagles are born photogenic
Eagles have a see-through eyelid that protects the eyes and allows them to see even with the main eyelid open. Interestingly, the female eagles are larger than the male ones.

5. The respected birds of the North Atlantic
Gannets are the largest seabirds in North Atlantic. They have no external nostrils as they are located in their mouth.

6. If this is not cuteness overloaded then what is?
Unlike many bird species, chickens are born cute and fluffy. However, this does not come about without hard work by their Mother.
She turns the egg at least 50 times a day, so her chickens remain in the center of the egg and are born normally. So dedicated, she does this is every day for 21 days.

7. Baby Ravens are so adorable
Raven can mimic human voices, and in fact, they are better than parrots at it. Another interesting fact is that, for some reason, a group of Ravens is called "Unkindness."

8. From fragile to fabulous
Woodpeckers are arboreal birds that live in wooded habitats. They have disproportionately long tongues wrapped around the skull like a tape measure.

9. The lightning fast Hummingbirds
Most hummingbirds' functions happen too quickly for humans to even perceive: their wings flap at least 50 times per second, their heart rate is about 20 beats per second. And they can stick out and withdraw their tongues 20 times per second while feeding.

10. In security of the Peregrine Falcons
Falcons can be trained to be bird security guards and keep other birds away from places where they could cause trouble, like landfills or vineyards. They grow up to be such strong personalities.

11. The king with the bill
Along with being one of its best features, a toucans bill may make any predators think twice about taking one on! However, it is so light and delicate it’s not really that useful for self-defense.

12. Swans full of swag
Swans have a constellation named after them, known as Cygnus. The Latin word "Cygnus" means swan.

13. The unique Barn owl
Contrary to popular belief, not all owls hoot. Take the barn owl, for instance; it actually screeches.

14. The singing Chaffinches
Chaffinches are some of the most common singing birds. However, “singing” wouldn’t be the right word, as they actually have at least 9 calls with consistent and discrete meanings.

15. Now that's what you call a glow up
Puffins seem to make a point of wanting to look their best in their breeding season. This is the only time their feet turn orange and the time to catch pics of them looking their best.

16. From cute to dashing
This species can be a little confusing as only the males are known as peacocks, while the females are called peahens. When combined together, they are called peafowl!

17. Golden pheasants of China
Golden pheasants are native to the forests of China. However, they’ve been imported and formed feral populations on every continent but Antarctica.

18. The little ones are so adorable
The migratory passerine bird of the swallow family is also known as the northern house martin. They feed on insects and can be found near human habitation.

19. The flashy Grey-crowned cane
The Grey-crowned cane is the national bird of Uganda. They are more flashy than some other members of the Crane family.

20. The bleeding-heart pigeons
Pigeons stay safely hidden away until they’re at least 40 days old, and then they come out with a shiny coat of feathers just like their parents. Good for them; it looks like it’s less embarrassing that way.

21. The royal Red Cardinals
People living in North America will be familiar with seeing a red Cardinal outside their window. Standing out even more at wintertime, the red cardinal has been designated the state bird of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, North Carolina, and Virginia, including West Virginia.

Now, these were some interesting and almost weird bird facts. Did you know these already, or were you completely amazed by them?
Mother nature has some unique creations, and these baby pictures of birds indeed make up for a beautiful sight. Share the post with your friends and family and brighten their day a little with these adorable pictures.
