35 Former Students Who Still Hold A Grudge Against Their Absolutely Awful Teachers Share Their Nightmare Encounters
Each one gets increasingly worse than the last
- Published in Interesting
It must take a divine calling for people to choose teaching as a lifelong career. Teachers and professors are notoriously overworked & underpaid, so it's not surprising that so many of them joined the exodus from the industry a year ago.
Those who chose to stay are put through the wringer day in and day out. They quite literally put themselves in danger every time they show up to work.
It takes an extra amount of dedication to stay in the field. While some may have all the determination to stay teaching, they do not have the humanity for it.
Former students who held onto grudges years after graduating testified to this on a recent Reddit post. They rehashed past experiences with awful teachers who made their school life hell.
Reading these stories solidified my belief that some do not deserve to be called educators. The teachers some of these people had are just bullies who happened to have power over young people.
It was disheartening to read about it and experiencing it firsthand must have been excruciating. These former students have every right to hold onto their grudges because what happened to them would scar anybody.
The post received 4,200 comments from people all over the world who had the misfortune of encountering these bullies during their formative years. Here are some of the top answers:
1. Because that is not traumatizing at all
Cocobean42. She probably couldn't wrap her head around a student writing better than she ever could
No-Medium-923. The teacher needed an updated dictionary
14FunctionImp4. I cannot even begin to digest how a 4th grader felt when they overheard those disgusting things
Feed_Typical5. Keep reposting until you get it all out of your system!
OldSpeckledHenShe's going to break his heart, isn't she?
OldSpeckledHenIt must have felt like the stars themselves aligned to help him achieve his dreams!
OldSpeckledHenShe singled him out? Why?
OldSpeckledHenHis favorite teacher let him down and crushed his dream without any explanation or direction how to move forward. Evil.
OldSpeckledHen6. Wouldn't you be proud if you were this kid's teacher?
BingoHighway7. Gordon needs to learn more about pop culture
polywha8. I do not like where this is going
Mac-And-Cheesy-43The teacher should have been reported for endangering a student's life
Mac-And-Cheesy-43What was the point of stopping a student from getting medical attention and then grading them poorly for it?
Mac-And-Cheesy-439. Teacher straight up tried to kill a 6th grade student
13YearsLost10. Teachers who take part in the "othering" and bullying of a student are the worst
AreWeCowabunga11. The teacher could have asked him to share his techniques with his other classmates but chose to knock him down a peg because who needs confidence at that age
parklife98012. Lazy teachers are a waste of time and money
[deleted]A teacher like this has the ability to take the fun out of everything
[deleted]13. How petty and immature!
bangersnmash1314. He comes off as someone who peaked in high school and hasn't had a character development since. Not cool at all.
Whole-Mulberry715. Another immature teacher who is trying very hard to be one of the kids
24-Hour-Hate16. The roles are reverse in this school
draiman17. She probably called her brand of discipline "tough love"
ArtSchnurple18. What in the sexist hell is this? It's honestly so stupid.
SpaceMonkeyOnABike19. That's putting it mildly
PersonMcNugget20. The real scary story was the teacher
Straightup32Did this OP's skin color factor in the accusation? Hmm...
Straightup3221. No child deserves to hear this from anyone let alone an adult they trust
SSPeteCarroll22. She can't take that toy she stole to where she now "lives"
coolcrushkilla23. She will be satisfied once she sabotaged the future of their entire clan
clackingCoconuts24. He should have told the student to find another source material instead of okay-ing it
superior_navy23525. Hello, FBI?
its_still_good26. What the hell? Were they fired for this? How is this acceptable?
BoneshakerBaybee27. As a woman, we do not claim that teacher
Ok_Mulberry783728. How do you become an adult in the teaching profession without learning about dyslexia? Awesome revenge though.
Kflynn133729. Some teachers must feel the floor disappearing from under them when they realize that some students are smarter than them
Flimsy-Attention-72230. This is so messed up!
Neat_Relief475231. Warning: racist teacher ahead
MediocrePetrichorShe saw OP's name and marked it a C no matter the content
MediocrePetrichorThe only ray of sunshine was OP's senior English teacher but that Mrs. S didn't deserve her license
MediocrePetrichor32. Someone call CPS on this teacher!
electric2933. You go mom! Shouldn't teachers get a psych eval or something?
lizzyote34. That frisbee was on the OP's side and it hit the goal perfectly
ManaIsMade35. If you cut down a student that you are supposed to protect, you are special class of human
grass-snake-40Being a teacher has its challenges, but it can also be a very rewarding career. Teaching requires a great deal of patience, understanding, and flexibility in order to be successful.
It also requires a strong commitment to making sure that students are learning and growing each day. Teachers must also be able to manage a classroom, handle disciplinary issues, and create an environment that is conducive to learning.
Additionally, teachers need to stay up to date on education trends and be able to communicate with other teachers, parents, and administrators effectively.
But some people really shouldn't be allowed around children. The adults above are prime examples of that, and if the universe allows it, they will get schooled someday if they haven't already.