12 Greyhounds Who Are Proudly Showing Off Their Long Limbs And Quirky, Adorable Personalities
There's no way your heart won't melt seeing these cuties.

Who doesn't love a goofy pup with adorable quirks? All dogs are special, and we love them as they provide valuable companionship. However, those round pegs in square holes often capture our hearts in ways we never thought were possible.
Today, we will share another interesting doggo post, but not just any doggo – the adorable "tiny" Greyhounds. Jokes aside, Greyhounds are anything but tiny as some can stand up to 30 inches high at the shoulder.
Their remarkable long legs make them the fastest dog breed in the world and one of the fastest animals in the animal kingdom. If you are wondering how fast their long limbs can go, it's up to 45 miles per hour (mph).
Little wonder Greyhound racing is a popular sport and gambling activity in different parts of the world. These dogs are known for their high energy levels and enjoy chasing animals they consider prey, such as rabbits, cats, or squirrels.
You can't blame them since they were originally bred to function as hunting dogs. However, behind their intimidating exterior is a gentle, loyal, and affectionate companion that deserves many belly rubs.
Despite their great athletic abilities, they don't mind spending the whole day sleeping beside you. We have put together a collection of 12 Greyhounds pictures to show you just how adorable these dogs can be.
1. "Hey mummy, I got you something, again."

2. Let sleeping dogs lie.

3. "Hey dad, are we almost there?"

4. A day in the creek is pure bliss for this Greyhound.

5. Have you seen a good gangster dog?

6. Just a normal day outdoor.

7. "Hey mum, how about we sit on the couch and watch TV all day?"

8. Do you need a new wallpaper?

9. "Who are you looking at?"

10. What to do when boredom is killing you?

11. "I saw a sweet rodent trying to hide from me."

12. Cuddlepillar is a perfect snuggle toy for Greyhounds.

In Summary...
You can't help but fall in love with Greyhounds once you get to know them. They are one of the dog breeds that can boldly claim to have been "man's best friend" for thousands of years.
This adorable breed appears in early cave drawings and decorative artifacts. Considering that ancient artists often drew only religious or significant personalities, it is safe to assume that they played an important role in those days.
Interestingly, they are the only dog breed mentioned in the Bible. Greyhounds are great pets that can fit into almost any household, except ones with cats and other small pets, because of their strong prey drive.
That doesn't mean you can't train them to live happily with cats and other small pets. Usually, people who don't know them assume they are destructive because of their size but are often surprised to learn they are docile, loving, and friendly.
Like every dog breed, the Greyhound needs early exposure to different sights and experiences to help them become well-rounded dogs.