Man Wonders If He's The Only Person Who Appreciates A Dog's Smell, Turns To Reddit, And Finds Some Kindred Spirits
People also started describing their dogs' scents.

There's nothing weird about loving the smell of dogs! In fact, many people find it quite pleasant.
And who can blame them? Dogs are known for being loyal and friendly companions, so it's only natural that we would want to be around them as much as possible.
Plus, there's something to be said about the way a dog smells. They often have a musky, earthy scent that can be quite intoxicating.
Did you know that science can back up this phenomenon? When you smell a clean and healthy dog, the scent becomes familiar and turns into a sense of comfort.
And let's be honest, there's nothing better than cuddling up with a furry friend who smells just like nature. So if you love the smell of dogs, don't be afraid to let people know.
Because you're not alone and it's a perfectly normal thing to enjoy! Just take a look at this user who asked on the Dogs subreddit.
Look at how obsessed he is with his dog's smell. At first, he thought he was weird.
But as the responses increased, the Reddit post quickly turned into a dog smell appreciation thread.
So if you're wondering what makes a dog smell so addictive, find out from the answers of different dog owners below.
According to the original poster, he is obsessed with his dog's smell.
He came to the community, wondering if it's weird to love the smell of his dog. Well, he isn't alone.

Turns out, other dog owners are the same.

They started describing the scents of their dogs.

And just like science says, the smell gives pet owners comfort.

The feelings evoked as they smell their dogs

A lot of commenters even said that their dogs are huffable.

The smell doesn't concentrate on one body part.

And people have named their dogs after their respective smells.

A Redditor explains the reason behind the maple syrup-like smell.

Now we're wondering. How many dogs smell like maple syrup?

Nope, it ain't weird at all!

People are sharing their very own terms for paws that smell like Fritos/Doritos.

Some Frito feet smell fine, others don't.

More Frito feet names

What a pleasant smell!

Dog smell addicts

Those who got COVID were looking forward to smelling their dogs once again.

Not cool COVID, not cool!

Don't worry. You're not weird.
This Redditors parents need to hear what science says about loving dog smells.

How can we put dog smells in a bottle?

People love how their dogs smell, but not all the time!

So why do we like the smell of some animals and not others? The answer has to do with something called “olfactory imprinting.”Olfactory imprinting is a process that happens during our earliest stages of development, and it determines which smells we find appealing as adults.
Once an odor is associated with positive experiences early in life, we tend to like that smell for the rest of our lives.
