Four Of The Coolest Animals That Have Shells You May Not Have Known About

These shelled animals are quite interesting, but unknown.

  • Published in Animals
Four Of The Coolest Animals That Have Shells You May Not Have Known About

A lot of animals in the wild have shells which are great for many different reasons including acting as a house and shelter, and it is great for protection from predators.

Shells are one of nature's ways to protect animals that might need a little bit more protection, plus it is also awesome for scoping out these little guys.

Many animals around the world have shells, but sometimes it's not as easy as you might think to see these animals which is why we want to give a little recognition to them. These animals have a bit of an advantage over other animals because they're protected.

One thing about animals that have shells is that you might not even be able to tell that they have a shell on when looking at them at a glance or from far away. Most animals have shells for protective purposes, but a lot of the time they can be for other reasons too.

We wanted to give a little shoutout and recognition to four of the coolest animals that have shells on them. They are extremely awesome looking, they have protective shells, and most of them live in the ocean.

Let's dive into some cool animals that have shells on them.

1. Clams

Clams are one of the most known species that has a shell. They're almost known for their shells and also their pearls of course.

Clams can be huge or they can be quite small, but no matter what they're protected by a thick shell. Some species of clams can even have pearls in them which can be used for decoration, embellishment, and jewelry, among other things.

1. ClamsThe Japan Times

2. Prawn

Prawns, which are similar species to shrimp, are one of the many water animals with a shell. A prawn's shell is much thinner and softer than your typical shell, but it still helps to protect its vulnerable body.

Prawns typically live in freshwater, opposite to shrimp which usually are found in salt water.

2. PrawnPinterest

3. Armadillo

Armadillos are one of those animals that you might not always hear about, but you know what they are. Surprisingly enough, they are actually the only mammal that has a shell and it helps to protect the animal.

They're known for their signature move of rolling up and using their shell to protect them from possible predators. The Armadillo's body is actually designed very smart and it helps the animal to escape dangerous situations.

3. ArmadilloLiveScience

4. Crab

Crabs are well-known water animals that have very hard shells. They're known for their shell and they are completely shelled throughout their whole body including the face, legs, pinchers, and everything in between.

They're extremely safe when it comes to being in danger from predators and many animals don't mess with crabs.

4. CrabPinterest

These four animals are some of the coolest ones that have a shell to protect them. Some of these animals are great with self-defense, while others need it to house and protect their soft bodies.

Be sure to let us know which animals you'd like to see featured next when it comes to having a shell.
