50 Adorable Pictures Of Animals Taken From The Vet’s Office

Some days are ruff but most are filled with furball cuteness overload

  • Published in Animals
50 Adorable Pictures Of Animals Taken From The Vet’s Office

Veterinarians encounter a lot of animals every day. There are cases that are heartbreaking, especially when they’re working with helpless and stray animals. 

Animals are also like people in a way that they have their own unique personalities, and most of them are quite memorable. That’s why a veterinarian who loves their job never has a dull day. 

No matter if they’re dealing with pets or animals that are considered wild, those little creatures really know how to make their mark. If you treat them right, they’ll show you how thankful they are.

We’ve compiled in this article 40+ pictures that were shared online that featured the interesting days veterinarians have. They showed off rare breeds that come into their clinic and even little furballs that are pocket-sized.

These puppies, cubs, kittens, and even lizards were appreciated by netizens and are thankful for the people who posted the pictures. This is definitely a brighter side of the depths of social media.

There are also vet technicians and receptionists that joined in on the fun of showing the world the wonderful animal souls they run into. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been working for a day with them or years, surprises will never run out.


Dogs have their own way of saying a heart-melting ‘Thank you’

Dogs have their own way of saying a heart-melting ‘Thank you’8outof10cats

These puppies inherited their adorableness from their mom

These puppies inherited their adorableness from their momMarina Brito

These Maine Coon Kittens would make you think you’re seeing double

These Maine Coon Kittens would make you think you’re seeing doublePloverLover

When you know you’re gifted with great genes like this German Shepherd and Golden Retriever Mix, you’re sure to stand proud

When you know you’re gifted with great genes like this German Shepherd and Golden Retriever Mix, you’re sure to stand proudthisisnonsense11

The shy kitten found a new home unexpectedly

The shy kitten found a new home unexpectedly thespy

Dr. Adorablekins reporting for duty, making sure to tell him he’s doing a great job.

Dr. Adorablekins reporting for duty, making sure to tell him he’s doing a great job. woodend3442

This Vet is living the dream while he gets swarmed with cuteness

This Vet is living the dream while he gets swarmed with cutenessZentik69

He’s accidentally happy and high on the clouds

He’s accidentally happy and high on the cloudsSloanXL

The little kitten is equally happy that he’s doing his internship very well

The little kitten is equally happy that he’s doing his internship very wellTheGSwat

Not just tiny, pocket sized.

Not just tiny, pocket sized.griff10159

Two ears that grew a ball of floof

Two ears that grew a ball of floofarmyar

This cub looks like she just got out of a Disney movie

This cub looks like she just got out of a Disney moviemillAh

“Doc, the stethoscope is a little cold”

“Doc, the stethoscope is a little cold” blek_blek

This fox that came into the clinic looks unreal

This fox that came into the clinic looks unrealteo_sk

If it’s cozy, then it’s going to work. Like this pomeranian that decided to take a power nap in some drawers

If it’s cozy, then it’s going to work. Like this pomeranian that decided to take a power nap in some drawersM1rlyn

Matilda the baby goat is keeping warm with that shirt

Matilda the baby goat is keeping warm with that shirtMeggiemugs

"Could I bother you for a quick picture, sir?"


This is a super rare Calico that has been brought to the vet clinic for a little check up

This is a super rare Calico that has been brought to the vet clinic for a little check upborkborkporkbork

He doesn’t seem to be happy to get out of the house and into the clinic

He doesn’t seem to be happy to get out of the house and into the clinicBoboMatrix

Animals most of the time get scared at the vet, it’s more calming to let them know they’re not alone

Animals most of the time get scared at the vet, it’s more calming to let them know they’re not aloneBlumkinpunkin

This vet got the memo that cuddling has a way to heal

This vet got the memo that cuddling has a way to healwowsuchdoge_wow

If you want to find out what dogs’ ancestors must’ve looked like, then take a look at this pup

If you want to find out what dogs’ ancestors must’ve looked like, then take a look at this pupLuckys224

A Beaver from the Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic wants to say hi!

A Beaver from the Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic wants to say hi!vetmed.illinois.edu

Skunks aren’t common to see in regular vet clinics so if they decide to pay you a visit, you better be on your best behavior

Skunks aren’t common to see in regular vet clinics so if they decide to pay you a visit, you better be on your best behavior veggie-berger

Damascus the Lizard was misbehaving at the Vet and was put in an improvised straight jacket

Damascus the Lizard was misbehaving at the Vet and was put in an improvised straight jacket fireysaje

If you remember your first time going somewhere and your parents insisting you take a picture, this is how it must’ve look like

If you remember your first time going somewhere and your parents insisting you take a picture, this is how it must’ve look likeUnknown

When you’re as shocked as the doctor wouldn’t you feel worried? Or maybe comforted in this case.

When you’re as shocked as the doctor wouldn’t you feel worried? Or maybe comforted in this case.mrsmadmike

No matter if Bone looks more like a polar bear than dog, he’s surely proud of passing all his check ups

No matter if Bone looks more like a polar bear than dog, he’s surely proud of passing all his check upsjdawg5720

Finally found a doctor that understands me

Finally found a doctor that understands mesimbathebengal

A vet was found with a litter of great danes before their height wasn’t as great yet

A vet was found with a litter of great danes before their height wasn’t as great yet Camkoda

This Pit Bull is a real comedian

This Pit Bull is a real comediancloud1997

Asked for an update about her cat going into surger and this is what they sent

Asked for an update about her cat going into surger and this is what they sentNever-On-Reddit

Yes, I am Dylan the Norwegian Forest cat, you can take pictures with me but please, no flash photography

Yes, I am Dylan the Norwegian Forest cat, you can take pictures with me but please, no flash photographyenrocc

There’s no trouble weighing this sleepy boy

There’s no trouble weighing this sleepy boy-CharethCutestory

Now who’s the real doctor

Now who’s the real doctordoctor_stanaland

Hopefully the foster care turns into a forever family home

Hopefully the foster care turns into a forever family homeKern County Animal Services

Another pocket sized kitten with oozing adorableness

Another pocket sized kitten with oozing adorablenessWyrdia

You meet new animals everyday and it’s never dull

You meet new animals everyday and it’s never dullSiz6

Some cases will forever be a wonderful memory

Some cases will forever be a wonderful memory zeddoh

Nothing can get between this australian shepherd puppy and his sleep, not even his shots

Nothing can get between this australian shepherd puppy and his sleep, not even his shots tobymustdie

This cub found his way in an OP’s veterinary clinic

This cub found his way in an OP’s veterinary clinicSwiftJustice88

Animals are too interesting to not share with others

Animals are too interesting to not share with others ponyfeeder

This is Norman and he would love to shake your hand with his chonky paws

This is Norman and he would love to shake your hand with his chonky paws alexisjack123

A vet tech’s house isn’t always like this, but this one is a special exemption

A vet tech’s house isn’t always like this, but this one is a special exemption Istateyourname

This golden good boy has his heart set for the vet and he’ll wait for her patiently

This golden good boy has his heart set for the vet and he’ll wait for her patiently Spreadtheloveguy

This kitten is the perfect work buddy

This kitten is the perfect work buddy Elfanara

“I can’t wait until you’re done with my check up to give you thank you kisses”

“I can’t wait until you’re done with my check up to give you thank you kisses”black_flower666

I mean if you can get hugs while you wait, that would be great multitasking

I mean if you can get hugs while you wait, that would be great multitasking meowpal33

Reese taking over the spot for Reese-ptionist

Reese taking over the spot for Reese-ptionist M1rlyn

These animals are really a breath of fresh air to the vet and the staff. They bring joy without even meaning to and give you comfort while you treat them.

If veterinarians enjoy their job, it'll be twice as fun to get these animals warm up to them. Every day would be a new day for new animal adventures.

Which was your favorite picture? You can tell us in the comments.
