50 Times Pets Were Unrecognizable After A Grooming Session
These jaw-dropping transformations are so hilariously they practically begged to go viral!

Bad hair days aren’t just for humans—pets can have them, too. Animals, especially dogs and cats, can have funny and unexpected haircuts.
Sometimes, these grooming disasters turn into hilarious moments that are too good not to share. Whether it’s a pet with a strange new look from a grooming session or an accidental mishap, these animals often look entirely different—and it’s all too funny not to laugh at.
One everyday funny moment happens when a dog or cat gets an unexpected style. Cats can also have their share of funny hair mishaps.
One cat ended up with a tangled mess of fur, looking like a lion instead of a house pet. Its expression showed how annoyed it was with the situation, but that only made it funnier to those who saw the picture.
There are times when pets go into the groomer’s and leave with a different style than expected. Some dogs, especially those with thick or curly fur, have wild haircuts—like a mohawk or an uneven trim. These surprising styles often leave pets looking confused, but the humor is in how they don’t even realize what happened.
Despite their strange hairdos, pets can still look cute, even when their hair looks completely different from what they’re used to. Pets can also have messy fur after playing outside or getting into something they shouldn’t have. A dog that rolls around in the mud might come inside looking like a furry mess.
It’s funny to see them try to figure out how to get their fur back to normal, especially when it’s matted or tangled. Their puzzled expressions make the situation even more amusing; look at these quirky "makeovers."
Pets with unexpected hairdos!

"My Friends Cat Got Shaved At The Vet And Now She Looks Like A Game Of Exquisite Corpse"

"We Thought He Was Just Fluffy, But Really My Friends Cat Is All Dad Bod"

"This Dog Showed Up To Petsmart And Asked To Speak To The Manager"

"Ready For Vampires"

"Whisky Got A Haircut, And We Discovered He Is 90% Head"

"Las Vegas Shelter Dog Up For Adption Has A Unique Hairline"

"This Dogs Haircut"

"Our Cat Is An Old Longhair Who Won’t Let Us Brush Her And Doesn’t Groom"

"I Had A Little Too Much Fun With Titus’ Pre-Shave"

"Please Tell My Parents They’re Terrible At Haircuts"

"Puppy With Mohawk Haircut"

"I Got My Girl Groomed. This… Is Not What I Was Expecting. I Can’t Stop Laughing"

"So, My Friend's Dog Just Got A Haircut"

"Surprise From The Groomers"

"Being Se*y For Ya"

"My Friend Is A Groomer And Today She Had A Special Request"

"Does This Count..? I Think It Does"

"My Cat Stands Up, When He Hears Bell Noises"

"Took Him For A Trim Because His Back Half Was Starting To Get Dreads. Dropped Off A Pup, Picked Up A Lion"

"Charlie After He Was Groomed Short And Found Out He Has Rubber Legs"

"When You Get Skunked & Have To Go To The Groomers 3 Times In One Month, But On The Third Time You Parent Asks The Groomer If They Have Time For A Haircut"

"Nice Haircut, Bro"

"Labradoodle With A Lion Haircut. Multiple 911 Calls Ensued Concerning The "Mini Lion"

"Sister: I'll Save So Much Money If I Cut The Dog Hair Myself... " She Is No Longer Allowed Near The Dog"

"My Rabbit Just Got A Head Shave By The Vet Because Its Hairs Are Getting Into His Eyes. He Looks Like Old Kung-Fu Master"

"This Hair"

"My Dog Would Like To Speak With Your Manager"


"Cheddar’s Haircut"

"This Is Coco. Banned From Three Groomers For Aggression. He Is Now Under House Arrest (I Have To Shave Him Myself.)"

"Can't Tell If I Need To Get The Manager Or Put On Some My Chemical Romance"

"The Haircut The Groomer Gave My Dog"

"Dog Needed A Haircut, This Was The Only Option"

"How Do You Like This Haircut? Who Can Guess What Breed?"

"I Think He’s Upset"

"Groomer Gave Us Back The Wrong Dog"

"You’re Too Fuzzy For The Vet To Treat Your Abscess So She Gives You A Reverse Mohawk With Eyebrows"

"My Parents Cat, Butters. They Have To Shave Her Butt Cuz Poop Gets In Her Hair"

"Vet Said She Needed To Take A Little Off To Get Rid Of A Belly Mat.... Dropped Off A Mainecoon And Picked Up A Shaved Weasel"

"Your Mom Cuts Your Hair Funny"

"Give Me That Live Action Lion King"

"Friend’s Cat Got A Haircut. She Seems Very Pleased"

"I Don’t Think A Haircut Would Help Her Derpiness"

"Just A Recent Groom"

"So /R/Aww Didnt Like How I Cut My Cats Hair"

"What Is Your Funniest/Worst Groom, I'll Go First"

"Is This A Horrible Haircut?"

"The Groomer Closed But He Needed A Haircut..... Jeff I’m So Sorry"

"Before & After"

"We Were Practicing Haircuts Today"

Even though we find these pet makeovers amusing, we must remember that animals don't always appreciate going through these grooming procedures. Their new appearance may cause them to become perplexed, uneasy, or even a little ashamed.
Nevertheless, we can all laugh at these poor hair days because of their responses to the changes and cute looks. The next time you see a pet with untidy fur or a strange haircut, feel sorry for them. Despite their humorous appearance, they are nevertheless adorable.
