30+ Realizations From Redditors That Will Teach Teenagers The Realities Of An Adult's Life

Wondering if teenagers would still be excited to become adults if they read these realizations.

30+ Realizations From Redditors That Will Teach Teenagers The Realities Of An Adult's Life

Nowadays, there is a great deal of uncertainty about what it means to be an adult. You're in it for the long haul once you make a decision, and the sociological, historical, and financial landscapes have also changed significantly.

Achieving maturity was a significant accomplishment fifty years ago. Adulthood was eagerly anticipated for the security it brought. The way individuals view adulthood has changed during the past half-century.

Stagnation is what they see. People believe that their parents no longer engage in exciting activities.

Nothing is appealing about adulthood. If you're panicking as you read this, just take a deep breath and let it go.

Adulthood may be a difficult transition for many people because they suddenly find themselves in a position where they no longer have anyone to rely on except themselves. It is possible that things would not be so frightening if young adults gradually took on more responsibility?

Those who have recently reached adulthood can attest to the difficulties but also to the liberation, excitement, new experiences, and joys that accompany this period. Those who have reached this point in the process may find something useful here.

Adolescents and teens might assume grownups are boring, and maybe it's time for everyone who is legitimately in adulthood to reveal that being responsible, accountable, and committed doesn't usually entail having an uninteresting stressful life. In many people's minds, the adult stage of life provides great freedom to discover who you are or how you need to lead your life.

OP asks the Reddit community.

OP asks the Reddit community.Reddit//berkel-is-a-madlad| Torsten Dederichs

#1 The bills. The realization.

#1 The bills. The realization.Reddit/OneMorePotion

#2 Watching parents get old.

#2 Watching parents get old.Reddit/Hemenucha

#3 Like understanding Squidwards moods and views.

#3 Like understanding Squidwards moods and views.Reddit/runfatgirlrun88

#4 Fewer circle.

#4 Fewer circle.Reddit/pikaoku

#5 Discipline and purpose.

#5 Discipline and purpose.Reddit

#6 Now I am questioning myself.

#6 Now I am questioning myself.Reddit/babygrenade

#7 Things are just not as fun and carefree as highschool.

#7 Things are just not as fun and carefree as highschool.Reddit

#8 I cannot agree more.

#8 I cannot agree more.Reddit/Hollowman212

#9 Is planning dinner a thing for all adults?

#9 Is planning dinner a thing for all adults?Reddit/MelG146

#10 Fitting all the things to be done in a day is never enough.

#10 Fitting all the things to be done in a day is never enough.Reddit/GiraffeMother

#11 Repetition makes you lose time.

#11 Repetition makes you lose time.Reddit/TinyBig_Jar0fPickles

#12 Ordered food is TRULY expensive.

#12 Ordered food is TRULY expensive.Reddit/soundecember

#13 The Pain. Period.

#13 The Pain. Period.Reddit/hamhead

#14 Expectation versus reality.

#14 Expectation versus reality.Reddit/AmericanExpat76

#15 Expect and prepare for the worst.

#15 Expect and prepare for the worst.Reddit

#16 You can't find anything as essential as rest and sleep.

#16 You can't find anything as essential as rest and sleep.Reddit/lightskinkanye

#17 Monthly rent pay.

#17 Monthly rent pay.Reddit/whycantifindmyname

#18 Being lonely.

#18 Being lonely.REddit/HilatiousDisaster

#19 Guess needing somebody is not a thing in adulting.

#19 Guess needing somebody is not a thing in adulting.Reddit/mswoodie

#20 Adulting life is "change".

#20 Adulting life is Reddit/dartblaze

#21 Your body will betray you.

#21 Your body will betray you.Reddit/MeicaM6guy

#22 Our young self wouldn't want to grow up with all these reality check.

#22 Our young self wouldn't want to grow up with all these reality check.Reddit/ecitruoc

#23 Forgetting age.

#23 Forgetting age.Reddit/magicatom_87

#24 Floss and save money guys.

#24 Floss and save money guys.Reddit

#25 Is this "maturity"?

#25 Is this Reddit

#26 Essence and scarcity of time.

#26 Essence and scarcity of time.Reddit/MontiBurns

#27 You can never say "only" same as before.

#27 You can never say Reddit/Darkjeremy1992

#28 Total broke.

#28 Total broke.Reddit/Mavioso23

#29 People's expectations.

#29 People's expectations.Reddit/PmMeYourHotAss

#30 I could die in cringe just remembering who I was 10 years ago.

#30 I could die in cringe just remembering who I was 10 years ago.Reddit/BoomChocolateLatkes

#31 Well, I am starting to lose some now is this a symptom or something?

#31 Well, I am starting to lose some now is this a symptom or something?Reddit/tallandlanky

#32 Automatically held accountable?

#32 Automatically held accountable?Reddit/keltoy1549

#33 We don't change, we evolve.

#33 We don't change, we evolve.Reddit/Pontus_Pilates

#34 Adulting responsibilities discourages my will to be fit.

#34 Adulting responsibilities discourages my will to be fit.Reddit/runfatgirl88

#35 Reality of the world.

#35 Reality of the world.Reddit/ukiyuh

#36 Quitting in a job should be your last option.

#36 Quitting in a job should be your last option.Reddit/elk_eel

This post can be a lesson for the younger generation. Adulthood does not come with a manual.

In order to be considered an adult, you don't have to attain a certain age. Making modest steps helps ease the shift from being fully lost to being independent and steady.

Do you have something to share that would be helpful for those preparing to enter adult life? Feel free to comment down below.
