20+ Honestly Adorable Animals That Are So Cute You Would Want Them As Pets

Ever heard of a stoat? You're going to love them.

  • Published in Animals
20+ Honestly Adorable Animals That Are So Cute You Would Want Them As Pets

We are living in a vast universe filled with creatures, from the ones we see every day down to the most unimaginable ones that are living in the deep blue oceans. There are an approximate number of 8.7 million species across the whole world—and most of them we have only encountered in textbooks, photos, documentaries, and Youtube videos.

It's safe to say that we may never get to see all the animals in the world in our lifetime, but humans are pretty happy with settling with typical pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits, pigs, and birds, among many others. But let's face it—we would love to have pandas and koala bears as pets, if only there were domestic ones.

It's not just pandas and bears that are the cutest potential pets existing, though; there are far a lot of adorable creatures out there that are so cute you would just love to pocket them and take them home! Animals are really precious creatures, and it's such a wonderful thing to think that most humans have the passion to care for them, whether they are common pets or not.

That being said, have you ever taken the time to see all the other cute animals that exist all over the globe? Scroll down to see some of the most ridiculously adorable animals that you will ever see in your lifetime (even if it's just in pictures!).

1. Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

It's a good thing that these little ones are hard to catch or even difficult to be seen because it has made them safe from the threats of endangerment for years. They are generally about 14-20 cm long and weigh between 150-220 g.

1. Japanese Dwarf Flying SquirrelFeathercollector / Getty Images

2. Dik-dik

Dik-diks are small antelopes, about 30-40 cm in length from the shoulder, and can weigh between 3-6 kg. They have a general lifespan of ten years.

2. Dik-dikNamibelephant / Getty Images

3. Sand Cats

It looks like a Pokémon, doesn't it? Sand cats, or sand dune cats, true to their name, are found in stony and sandy deserts that are far from water areas. It had a sandy gray fur that lets them be camouflaged in the desert, invisible from predators.

3. Sand CatsGetty

4. Tree Kangaroo

Tree kangaroos are basically just kangaroos, except that these ones live in trees. They just have shorter legs, as well as long tails and strong forearms.

4. Tree KangarooCraigrjd / Getty Images

5. Numbat

The numbat also goes by the names noombat, walpurti and banded anteater. They are diurnal and mostly feed on termites.

5. NumbatDaniel Scarparolo

6. White Nosed Coati

White-nosed coatis are closely related to raccoons. Coatis can actually be allowed as exotic pets, but it all depends on where you live because some states have rules and regulations regarding the keeping of this particular animal.

6. White Nosed CoatiFlorence And Joseph Mcginn / Getty Images

7. African Wild Dog

You wouldn't want to have this one as a pet—they are known to be vicious killers. They are native to sub-Saharan Africa.

7. African Wild DogTomasz Dutkiewicz / Getty Images

8. Sugar Glider

It gets its name sugar glider because of their love for sap and nectar, and their graceful gliding through the air to travel.

8. Sugar GliderPigphoto / Getty Images

9. Fennec Fox

Fennec foxes are the world's smallest foxes. It's most prominent feature is its huge ears.

9. Fennec FoxYanjf / Getty Images

10. Patagonian Mara

Patagonian Maras can be kept as pets, and they can be quite affectionate to humans. They are pretty much reserved most of the time.

10. Patagonian MaraIan Fox / Getty Images

11. Stoat (Short-tailed Weasel)

Stoats, even with their small appearance, actually have a nasty bite. Small but terrible, indeed.

11. Stoat (Short-tailed Weasel)Tracy-williams-photography / Getty Images

12. Pangolin

Known as scary anteaters, pangolins are usually categorized as reptiles, but they are actually mammals.

12. PangolinDarrenbradleyphotography / Getty Images

13. Chacoan Peccary

Chacoan Peccary or taguas have a population of only about 3,000 over the world. They are endemic to Southern countries.

13. Chacoan PeccaryJeannettekatzir / Getty Images

14. Eastern Pygmy Possum

They are one of the smallest possums in the world, weighing only about 15 to 43 g. They can be mostly found in south-eastern Australia.

14. Eastern Pygmy PossumKen Griffiths / Getty Images

15. Antelope Squirrel

Antelope squirrels have this certain practice called "heat dumping." They situate themselves in a cool shady spot when their temperature is high, and then they will lay down in a spread-eagle position with their belly against the ground—a way for them to release and cool themselves down.

15. Antelope SquirrelBen185 / Getty Images

16. Axolotl

This one's an Internet favorite; axolotls are great aquatic pets that are so easy to care for. Who wouldn't want to have that smiley face popping up in their aquariums?

16. AxolotlVitaliy Halenov / Getty Images

17. Pudu

Pudu is the world's smallest deer. Adults measure about 32 to 44 cm in height.

17. PuduVirgonira / Getty Images

18. Gundi

Gundis, also known as comb rats, are herbivore rodents found in Africa. They are vocal animals and have a wide range of communication signals as a way to protect themselves from predators.

18. GundiDenja1 / Getty Images

19. Elephant Shrew

Also known as jumping shrews, elephant shrews are rat-sized mammals that can be found in Africa.

19. Elephant ShrewBelizar73 / Getty Images

20. Golden Brushtail Possum

Most people are skeptical if these golden creatures are actually real—but they actually are! They get their golden coats from a genetic mutation that causes low levels of melanin in their body.

20. Golden Brushtail PossumLisastrachan / Getty Images

21. Pygmy Goat

If you ever want a goat as a pet, then pygmy goats should be at the top of your list! They are dwarfed genetically, and are mainly kept for companionship and entertainment.

21. Pygmy GoatPetegallop / Getty Images

22. Long-Tailed Tit

Long-tailed tits may be small, but they viciously feed on insects and spiders. They are commonly found in Europe and Palearctic region.

22. Long-Tailed TitAndyworks / Getty Images

The world definitely has a lot of wonders to offer, including these adorable creatures that some of us may only wish to have the privilege to see, especially when we are living on the other side of the world. Let's just settle with these pictures, for now!

Which one would you like to see in this lifetime? Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
