The world is in trouble, and with so much bad news all around us, it's easy to get depressed. It seems that one evil is replaced with another, and it's an endless "Whac-A-Mole" game.
We are stuck and just can't leave. And we do want out.
Oh, man, we soooo want out. One of the best ways to forget the troubles around us that we cannot influence is by spending time with our pets.
The second-best thing is looking at adorable pet photos. We're sure you've been missing our adorable animals.
That is why we have returned with a new collection. We've got something special for you today that you've never seen before.
We've done all the legwork for you and gathered the most adorable animal photographs on the internet to melt your heart. For your viewing enjoyment, we have majestic cats, attractive dogs, a cute litter of kittens, adorable bunnies, and much more.
Our collection of animals is so cute that you'll find yourself shouting "aww." In fact, we are confident you cant go through the entire list without saying it at least once.
You don't believe us? Take a look.
So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down and have fun.
1. “This is Kabosu, she’s 15 years old and was the original face of the doge meme in 2013”
2. “My 11yr old dog is blind but still loves hiking so I got her doggles to protect her eyes from sticks”
3. Same birthday:
4. A proud mom
5. Protecting a friend:
6. “After 30 Years of Begging My Parents For A Dog, We Compromised and I Moved Out, Got A Gf and Got A Dog. Reddit, Meet Zeus! (Border Collie/Australian Shepard)”
7. Cute bunnies
8. Oreos and caramel
9. Sir Patrick Stewart with one-week old puppy:
10. “This tiny Fox has been visiting our garden every day and wants to be friends..”
11. "Meet Earthquake! It’s his 7th birthday today and he is so happy about it."
12. A new superhero
13. What a majestic dog with vitiligo
14. Keep pushing
15. “I’m an Amazon delivery driver and was greeted by this today.”
16. “It’s my cake day, please enjoy a pic of my cat and her new little sister.”
17. “I grew up with pets, my boyfriend did not. I wanted a kitten, my boyfriend did not. We compromised and got a kitten. This is them her first night home.”
18. “That’s how he welcomes me every day when I get back from work”
19. Simply gorgeous
20. "He turned 23 today. Happy Birthday, cutie."
21. The bottom line is - all you need is a hug
22. “A very happy Branch Manager”
23. “May The Fourth Be With You!”
24. “Meet Wallace and Charlie. They met in February in puppy class. Both were nervous about making friends but not anymore.”
25. “Meet Harvey, his last night sleeping at the shelter was yesterday. Tonight and for the rest of his life he will sleep like a KING.”
Well, do you feel better now? A study conducted by scientists at Hiroshima University in Japan concluded that cute images might facilitate improved performance on detail-oriented tasks that require concentration.
Furthermore (and most importantly), they make our serotonin levels shoot up. Thank you, our furry friends. What would we do without you?