10 Celebrities That Made It Big In Hollywood And Started Their Careers By Accident And Quite Randomly
These celebrities had a random interaction that ultimately ended up starting their careers.

Celebrities are known for obviously having awesome careers that people see on display often, but it's a bit of a mystery how some of them actually got into the career and space that they are in. Ultimately, we feel like it's fun to hear the backstory of how these famous celebrities got to be who they are.
We love diving into the lives of celebrities, especially when we get to hear about things that people don't always talk about. We don't exactly know what it's like to be an actor or a famous person, but we can imagine that there's a lot that we don't know about their lives.
Whether these celebrities were approached randomly based on their talents or whenever they were heard singing, they were all approached in a bit of a random way which ended up leading to the successful careers that they are in now. It's always awesome to imagine that the right person would come by you and recognize you for your talents.
To say it in simpler terms, these celebrities were pretty lucky to get their career the way they did. So if you want to hear about these 10 celebrities that made it big in Hollywood by accident, then keep on reading as we look into these.
1. Natalie Portman and the power of pizza
Natalie started her career early but she was approached at 11 years old by an agent while she was out eating pizza which then started her career in acting.

2. Harrison Ford, from cameraman to actor.
He started by taking small roles but eventually said that it just wasn't really for him. Then he became a cameraman where a director actually noticed his talents and then cast him as Han Solo in Star Wars.

3. Mel Gibson and the fight that brought him luck
Mel Gibson started his career off with a bar fight that got him noticed and on the big screen.

4. Chris Pratt and the meeting with the right customer
Chris was working at a restaurant when he was approached and then got to audition for a fantastic role that helped his career take off.

5. Will Smith and the man of directions
Will Smith was actually lost in a parking lot when he was pretty much forced to ask for directions. However the vice president of filmmaker Warner Bros was the one who gave him the directions and then basically a job.

6. Ashton Kutcher, an ordinary evening in an ordinary bar
Ashton Kutcher was at a bar when he was approached by a talent scout that got him into modeling. Then from there he started his acting career.

7. Clint Eastwood and the plane crash
Clint Eastwood actually survived a plane crash and started doing interviews afterward. This is what got him noticed and into acting.

8. Johnny Depp started by accident
Johnny Depp was convinced to start acting by his friend and it eventually led him a led role that started his whole career.

9. Charlize Theron, from a shattered dream to international success
She was actually in an argument with a bank teller when she was approached by a talent scout. This is when her acting career started and she got recognized.

10. Rosario Dawson, an unexpected encounter
She was approached by two men who offered her a lead role in a movie. This was just a lucky call that got her noticed in her career of acting.

These actors definitely were quite lucky in how they got noticed randomly. They were in the right place at the right time and were noticed for their talents.
It's interesting to see how many people got their celebrity careers by accident. But, for every actor who got a break, there are probably thousands that didn't.
