20 People In This Twitter Thread Share The Most Absurd And Unnecessary Vet Visits

These pets would have probably won the best actors and actresses awards.

  • Published in Animals
20 People In This Twitter Thread Share The Most Absurd And Unnecessary Vet Visits

A genuine animal lover would do anything for his or her cherished companion in the event of a medical emergency. It is quite reasonable for some of us to become alarmed and run to the veterinarian without knowing that some of the things we believed were huge issues actually turned out to be stupid.

According to a survey that was carried out by the American Pet Association, nearly 70 percent of homes in the United States currently have a pet. It is projected that one in three of those pets may require immediate veterinary care every year.

Hospitalization in an emergency can be a significant financial burden for pet parents. Depending on the area, the emergency expense of animal care for domestic animals can range anywhere from $800 to $1,500 on an estimate, which is according to Petplan, a business that provides insurance for pets.

Twitter user Kristin Chirico began this discussion, and the conversation swiftly spread across the social media platform. Some medical situations aren't as terrible as they look, thanks to what happened here in this wholesome thread.

It also shows that veterinarians and other animal clinic workers possess the compassion of angels as well as the wit of entertainers. Make your day brighter by reading the stories below, and don't forget to leave your own in the comments section.

#1 Was it really obvious tho?

#1 Was it really obvious tho?Twitter/alicesauras

#2 Is this what they call "pain in joy"?

#2 Is this what they call Twitter/emilygmonster

#3 Dog doesn't want to be left out, lol.

#3 Dog doesn't want to be left out, lol.Twitter/vanessa_young56

#4 How about putting him in a wood cage instead? For future cases like this.

#4 How about putting him in a wood cage instead? For future cases like this.Twitter/eeveeluti0n

#5 Guess she hated the kids that much to throw up that hard.

#5 Guess she hated the kids that much to throw up that hard.Twitter/ prettybaddie27

#6 Well, a lot of people can definitely relate to this kind of feeling.

#6 Well, a lot of people can definitely relate to this kind of feeling.Twitter/mysta42

#7 The story of a small ant bite and his dramatic response.

#7 The story of a small ant bite and his dramatic response.Twitter/fionafraser

#8 Who said dogs can't have such long hair problems?

#8 Who said dogs can't have such long hair problems?Twitter/stinapag

#9 What a price worth for bloating.

#9 What a price worth for bloating.Twitter/BengalKathy

#10 Bro, an extra spend for just vet anxiety.

#10 Bro, an extra spend for just vet anxiety.Twitter/chmoneyb

#11 What a cost for a Trident gum. It might be worth it if it was an expensive one.

#11 What a cost for a Trident gum. It might be worth it if it was an expensive one.Twitter/observedbriefly

#12 That gas is quite pricey.

#12 That gas is quite pricey.Twitter/McJesse

#13 Must have been a good fight for a cat to feel depressed with his lost.

#13 Must have been a good fight for a cat to feel depressed with his lost.Twitter/PaladinAmber

#14 It this a normal panic for a first cat owner?

#14 It this a normal panic for a first cat owner?Twitter/ai_valentin

#15 All the spending for that attitude. *Face palm*

#15 All the spending for that attitude. *Face palm*Twitter/_parasocial

#16 Is it possible for a fart to be that long and not to mention pricey?

#16 Is it possible for a fart to be that long and not to mention pricey?Twitter/awkwardsince86

#17 One happy veterinarian and one cat with fat neck rolls.

#17 One happy veterinarian and one cat with fat neck rolls.Twitter/easykidmp3

#18 You might wonder what made him decide to fear the grounds.

#18 You might wonder what made him decide to fear the grounds.Twitter/PippityPip

#19 Pets are really growing witty as time goes by.

#19 Pets are really growing witty as time goes by.Twitter/Deangeville

#20 The cat be like "Ugh, what a bug."

#20 The cat be like Twitter/ItsKatBiscuits

Every person who owns a pet is aware that their animal companion needs the same level of care and attention as a young child because they frequently get wounds or become ill, necessitating emergency trips to the veterinarian. However, there are situations when the trip to the veterinarian ends up being both pricey and pointless.

Have you had similar experiences? You can share it in the comments below!
