22 People Reveal The Most Absurd Things Their Coworkers Have Done

These people are unbelievable.

22 People Reveal The Most Absurd Things Their Coworkers Have Done

Working in an office means spending significant time with colleagues with unique personalities and quirks. While some coworkers can be supportive and inspiring, others may leave you bewildered by their actions.

The workplace can often feel like a live sitcom, from peculiar habits to outright blunders. One of the most common and amusing office failures involves food mishaps.

For instance, someone microwaving fish in the office kitchen can leave an unforgettable smell that lingers for hours, much to the dismay of everyone else in the office. It’s a simple yet impactful mistake that can quickly become the talk of the office.

Emails are another common source of humorous mistakes. Many people have accidentally emailed the entire company for one person.

Depending on the content of the email, these mistakes can range from mildly embarrassing to outright hilarious. Another classic office blunder is forgetting to attach important documents to emails.

After a day of perfecting a report or presentation, it’s easy to overlook the final step of attaching the document. This can lead to confusion and frantic follow-up emails, often met with sighs of recognition from those who have made the same mis

People have shared stories of their coworkers’ most laughable fails online. These stories offer a sense of camaraderie and relief, knowing that everyone deals with similar issues at work.

1. “How my coworker keeps the change.”

1. “How my coworker keeps the change.”Reddit

2. “My coworker left his tooth on the desk AGAIN.”

2. “My coworker left his tooth on the desk AGAIN.”Reddit

3. “The way my coworker put the anti-theft tag on all of the new stock.”

3. “The way my coworker put the anti-theft tag on all of the new stock.”Reddit

4. Wow

4. WowReddit

5. “My co-worker is either an idiot or a genius.”

5. “My co-worker is either an idiot or a genius.”Reddit

6. “Coworker ate my food.”

6. “Coworker ate my food.”Reddit

7. New software

7. New softwareReddit

8. “Sometimes I question the intelligence of people in my office.”

8. “Sometimes I question the intelligence of people in my office.”Reddit

9. Diet

9. DietReddit

10. “My coworker claimed he changed 30€ in red money from a customer.”

10. “My coworker claimed he changed 30€ in red money from a customer.”Reddit

11. “A co-worker's keyboard.”

11. “A co-worker's keyboard.”Reddit

12. “Coworker decided to sample every doughnut.”

12. “Coworker decided to sample every doughnut.”Reddit

13. No nails on the job

13.  No nails on the jobReddit

14. “Coworker has this old milk in the staff fridge.”

14. “Coworker has this old milk in the staff fridge.”Reddit

15. “Dumb meme my coworker posted on Facebook.”

15. “Dumb meme my coworker posted on Facebook.”Reddit

16. “The way my coworker likes her pizza. Yes, that is chocolate pudding.”

16. “The way my coworker likes her pizza. Yes, that is chocolate pudding.”Reddit

17. Invoices

17. InvoicesReddit

18. “My coworkers are idiots.”

18. “My coworkers are idiots.”Reddit

19. No sense of self-preservation...

19. No sense of self-preservation...Reddit

20. “A Coworker came into work today after a month of vacation with this. Peter Sellers or Woody Allan?”

20. “A Coworker came into work today after a month of vacation with this. Peter Sellers or Woody Allan?”Reddit

21. “11 years accident-free and a coworker backed into my baby.”

21. “11 years accident-free and a coworker backed into my baby.”Reddit

22. Russel

22. RusselReddit

Despite the occasional annoyance, coworker blunders bring a unique sense of humor to the workplace. They remind us that everyone messes up, and it's okay to laugh about it.

These odd moments make office life more exciting and give us stories that stick around. Even sometimes, if they seem like characters from a sitcom, their antics create a fun and lively atmosphere.

Embracing these quirks and finding humor daily helps build a more positive and connected workplace. So, when a coworker makes a silly mistake, remember that these moments make the workday more entertaining and memorable.
