Senior Dogs Inspire People Everywhere When Their Posts Are Shared Online

Puppies get a lot of attention, they're sweet, young and playful and their owners tend to bombard us with photos of their bounding fur-babies. What really will melt your heart though, is the sweet face of mature dogs.

  • Published in Animals
Senior Dogs Inspire People Everywhere When Their Posts Are Shared Online

Puppies get a lot of attention. Puppies are sweet, young and playful and their owners tend to bombard us with photos of their cuteness.

What really will melt your heart though, is the sweet face of mature dogs who have lived a wonderful and full life. There are things only a lifetime of dog companionship can teach you and it's often written on the faces of beloved senior dogs.

Grown dogs have been through it. Our old dogs are part of the family, part of the furniture and hold a piece of our hearts.

Dogs are with us through the ups and downs. Our dogs see babies born, little toddlers take their first steps, watch our kids go to school for the first time and eventually even move out.

Below you're going to see 40, super sweet, fully grown dogs who will warm your heart even more than a cheeky little puppy ever could.

1. "Senior Dogs Deserve Extra Pampering."

1. averybadmix

2. "Meet August, Officially The Oldest Living Golden Retriever! She Turned 20 Years Old."

2. Imzadi90

3. "She Thinks It’s Her Job To Pull Rocks Out Of The Lake. The Big One Is 14lbs. She’s 12 Years Old."

3. Macaroniindisguise

4. "Met This 19-Year-Old Senior The Other Day."

4. grrbina

5. "Old Girl Audrey Is 10 Today."

5. manda326

6. "Old Man Aegir Turns 15 Next Month. He Converted Back To Puppy Mode In This Mornings Snow."

6. diverpat

7. "Diesel (9) Is Turning 10 This Month, And He's Melting From All The Excitement."

7. hillsa14

8. "Wynton (13-Years-Old) Braving The Cold With My Grandpa."

8. zoom1208

9. "My Old Boy, Still Around After 25 Years."

9. wolf_mans84

10. "My 14-Year-Old Golden Retriever, Still Wanting To Play Like A Puppy."

10. IsaBA20

11. "Good Boy Can’t Chase The Sprinklers In His Old Age, So Now Sits And Waits For It To Come To Him."

11. FeistyAle

12. "My Millie Girl Is A Beautiful 16-Years-Old. We Adopted Her When She Was 12. She Is Completely Deaf, But That Doesn't Stop Her From Anything. 100% Good Girl."

12. Cosplaybaby29

13. "Stout Is 16 And Wants Your Scritches."

13. astralairplane

14. "Meet My 18-Year-Old Siberian Husky 'Damon'."

14. Puddingpapst

15. "I Heard You Guys Might Like Muddy, He Just Turned 14 Yesterday."

15. moodyfoodie99

16. "Our 11-Month-Old And 8-Year-Old."

16. bellavanlan

17. "This Is Sadie. She's 17."

17. Choose_2b_Happy

18. "The Arizona Humane Society Uses Boots, A Senior Dog, To Acclimate Kittens To Dogs."

18. totallynotabear

19. "So, This Is Athena, She Is A 9-Year-Old Labrador. As You Can See She's A Chunker But She Gets Jealous When She Sees Our Smaller Dogs On Our Laps And Throws A Fit."

19. Martinstanley12

20. "Shadow (14-Years-Old) Is My Handsome Old Man. He Used To Be Completely Black With A Little Bit Of White."

20. Mor_tish_a

21. "When I Adopted 14-Year-Old Francis Last Year I Was Told We Would Only Have 4-6 Weeks Together Because Of His Arthritis And Poor Mobility. Well, We Celebrated Our One Year Anniversary Today."

21. zenmin75

22. "My 10-Year-Old Dog Likes To Sleep On My Legs. I Made Her This Out Of Some Of My Old Jeans For Her To Sleep On While I’m At Work."

22. DMLorance

23. "He's Old, He's Blind, And He's Very Smelly. But He Is By Far The Bestest Boy I've Ever Known. Meet Brewer."

23. tmc_2011

24. "We Adopted A Senior Saint Named Mikey Yesterday And I Think It’s Safe To Say His First Trip To Grandma’s Went Well."

24. chewbezza

25. "Old Man Bruno, 12 Ish, Doin A Glamour Shot."

25. ToDoTheHump

26. "This Is My Old Boi Link - Or Linkers - Or Lonk If I Accidentally Hit The Wrong Key. He’s 10 And Still Very Much A Puppy. Loves Smoochin’."

26. linkersthedog

27. "My 15-Year-Old Chihuahua Has Very Sensitive Eyes Due To Iris Atrophy. Here She Is In Her 'Doggles'."

27. Amazonian_Broad

28. "My 16-Year-Old Pug's First Time Visiting The Beach. He Was Born Deaf And Partially Blind From Age."

28. trentharp18

29. "My Dog Is 16, So I Figured It’s Time For Some Driving Lessons."

29. LamboSamba

30. "Almost 18 Years Old And Still Sleeping With The Toy Frog She's Had For 14 Years."


31. "I'm Elton And Today Is My 19th Birthday."

31. suppennudelchen

32. "My Wife And I Adopted 2 Senior Dogs. Meet Oscar And Maggie."

32. sjcook1

33. "Celebrating Molly’s 16th Birthday With A Walk To The Pier."

33. yachtclubkid

34. "Just Cause Benji’s An Old Boy Doesn’t Mean He’s Not A Cute Boy."

34. mayaxs

35. "My Best 14-Year-Old Man Chance Stole The Show At My Wedding Last Year."

35. ag5

36. "Our 14-Year-Old Girl, Still Smiling."

36. StamperFurbottom

37. "Today Is My Dog, Tax's 22nd Birthday. Still Truckin' Along."

37. theluciferprinciple

38. "Cody Is The Bestest Old Boy."

38. mayaxs

39. "My 13 Yr Old Shar-Pei Before And After I Tell Him He's A Good Boy."

39. The_Anticarnist

40. "My 19 And A Half-Year-Old Dog Is Starting To Slow Down, We Appreciate That We’ve Had Her This Long."

40. Lejayeff