15 Adorable Pictures Of Wild Animals Hugging To Warm Your Heart

Domesticated pets sharing a cuddle are cute, but wild animals are exceptionally so

  • Published in Animals
15 Adorable Pictures Of Wild Animals Hugging To Warm Your Heart

There’s very little a good hug or snuggle can’t fix. Cliche as it may be, “all you need is love,” is pretty accurate.

Love is what drives humans and animals alike to care for one another. Most things can be traced back to ‘love’ as the overall origin.

We work to earn money to afford to be housed, clothed, fed, and entertained, which we can do because of the love we have for ourselves, or the love we share with others. We create art, plant seeds, cook, bake, and share memes or jokes as a way to express ourselves and connect with others.

Love languages help us understand how each person differently expresses their love, and I’d like to suggest that sharing adorable pictures is a combo of “acts of service,” “quality time,” and “receiving gifts.” So, I hope you can take a few moments from your day to embrace (pun intended) a token of love by way of cute animals hugging each other.

These aren’t the typical cute animal pictures of cats and dogs, but instead, wild animals caught on camera in varying types of embraces. From hugs to cuddles, nuzzles to cuddle puddles, keep scrolling to see the collection of 15 different pictures of wild animals sharing affection.

1. Barbary Macaques

It seems that most creatures across the animal kingdom enjoy snuggling their adorably sweet babies.

1. Barbary MacaquesGetty Images

2. Giraffes

Giraffes may be the tallest mammals in the world, it just means they give good side-hugs.

2. GiraffesFacebook

Everyone likes hugs

Everyone likes hugsgiphy

3. Meerkat

This is an MLM I'd back: Multi-Level Meerkat embrace

3. MeerkatSolent

4. Grey Kangaroo

I love how his joey is jumping into a hug.

4. Grey KangarooAlamy

5. Seal

Baby seals are typically weaned by 6 months, but until then they stick close to their mom.

5. SealJohnny Johnson

Not to be mistaken for the singer.

Not to be mistaken for the singer.giphy

6. Lion cubs

Living in a group is perfect for impromptu cuddle sessions

6. Lion cubsHelen Kinuthia

7. Orangutan

There is just *so* much love captured in this photo. Just like a human mother and their baby.

7. OrangutanGetty Images



8. Brown bear

Looks like these two are taking a cuddle break after some swimming.

8. Brown bearGetty Images /Roger Tidman

9. Polar bear

This incredible photo by Daisy Gilardini makes these apex predators look sweet.

9. Polar bearDaisy Gilardini

10. Swan


10. SwanGetty Images

Cuteness overload

Cuteness overloadgiphy

11. Two-toed sloths

Baby sloths cuddling and giving kisses? Sign me up.

11. Two-toed slothsimgur

12. Emperor Penguin

Even in freezing temperatures, these two penguins' embrace warms my heart.

12. Emperor PenguinGetty Images

13. Orphaned friends

There are no rules saying you can't cuddle a friend from another species

13. Orphaned friendsDimas Ardian / Getty Images

14. Oh my

Baloo the American black bear, Leo the African lion, and Shere Khan the Bengal tiger were rescued as malnourished cubs in an Atlanta basement and brought to Noah's Ark to live their best lives together.

14. Oh myNoah's Ark Animal Sanctuary

Oh, my...

Oh, my...giphy

15. Koala

Koala joey's stay in their mom's pouch for about 6 months before venturing out and hanging on her front or back for another 6+ months.

15. KoalaGetty Images



What is your favorite way to express love, dear reader? I like doing a combo of making/doing things for the people I love along with gifting.

The easiest way for me to show love is definitely sharing funny or cute pictures. It’s a surefire way to give someone a quick and easy hit of dopamine.

In the spirit of expressing love, share this sweet collection of cuddly animals with your friends!
