Person Suggests YouTube Should Remove Ads From First-Aid Videos Because People Usually Need Info Fast, Company's Response Is Infuriating

This is quite an interesting one

Person Suggests YouTube Should Remove Ads From First-Aid Videos Because People Usually Need Info Fast, Company's Response Is Infuriating

Ads streams on YouTube are unavoidable. For those who subscribe to ad-supported versions of their preferred streaming services, they stifle our marathons of Netflix, interrupt dramas on Hulu, and interfere with YouTube lessons.

However, they also generate large sums of money, many of which are returned to the content producers. Though some sites make an effort to compete, YouTube is essentially in a class of its own when it comes to free streaming, with 2.1 billion monthly active users globally.

That's fantastic for both producers and consumers—until the fourth commercial plays in a row and you begin to lose track of the final step in the direction. Perhaps you are accustomed to pop-up ads on websites and TV commercial breaks and can take them as part of the price of doing business.

However, the majority find YouTube ads to be intrusive and annoying, and the platform is making it more difficult to ignore them. Fortunately, most in-stream advertisements that appear before or during a YouTube video are brief (15 seconds or less) and simple to skip.

This strikes me as a really decent middle ground between avoiding and viewing advertisements. The only catch is that content providers might choose to make these advertisements inevitable.

Redditor u/GrantFunko has gone to the r/facepalm subreddit group to share a reason why YouTube ads are a problem.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/GrantFunko

And here's a screenshot of the response

And here's a screenshot of the responseReddit/GrantFunko

YouTube and YouTube Premium are the same, except for the advertisements. It comes included with YouTube Music Premium and enables users to download videos for later viewing and play ad-free music and videos in the background on desktop computers.

Additionally, it removes ads from shares you make to YouTube Kids intended for younger audiences. The people who make the content you view will continue to get paid if you follow this lawful and moral method of avoiding YouTube advertising.


The Reddit post went super viral with 127k upvotes with thousands of comments and here are a bunch of them

The Reddit post went super viral with 127k upvotes with thousands of comments and here are a bunch of themReddit/GrantFunko

Okay, this Redditor has chosen to be honestly brutal

Okay, this Redditor has chosen to be honestly brutalReddit/GrantFunko

A joke that got big on twitter

A joke that got big on twitterReddit/GrantFunko

This Redditor shares their own story of a YouTube ad and it wasn't funny

This Redditor shares their own story of a YouTube ad and it wasn't funnyReddit/GrantFunko

They should not have left a reply in the first place

They should not have left a reply in the first placeReddit/GrantFunko

The mobile app is a whole other different story

The mobile app is a whole other different storyReddit/GrantFunko

That was the dumbest argument

That was the dumbest argumentReddit/GrantFunko

Blaming YouTube is pointing fingers at the wrong person

Blaming YouTube is pointing fingers at the wrong personReddit/GrantFunko

The person ought to call 911

The person ought to call 911Reddit/GrantFunko

Somebody needs to be paid for they content they make

Somebody needs to be paid for they content they makeReddit/GrantFunko

Perhaps you create your own YouTube videos out of a passion for the medium rather than for the money. You can choose to disable advertising so that people can watch your videos without being distracted by tacky commercials but that is not the case as people want to make money.

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