'80s And '90s Kids Look Back On The 40 Things That The Youth Of Today Can Never Relate To

The cultural environment was so different before.

'80s And '90s Kids Look Back On The 40 Things That The Youth Of Today Can Never Relate To

Remember when life was simple? No bills, no responsibilities, and the only thing you had to worry about was getting your homework done on time.

Those were the days. Nowadays, it seems like kids have more pressures and stressors than ever before.

But in some ways, it was actually easier being a kid back in the day. There was less pressure to succeed and be perfect, and life, in general, was just simpler.

There was no such thing as social media, so you didn't have to worry about what people were saying about you online. You could just be yourself and not worry about what others thought of you.

Life was more spontaneous. You didn't have to plan everything out ahead of time because there wasn't as much to do. You could just go with the flow and see where the day took you.

There was no such thing as being "connected" 24/7. If you were bored, you had to find something to do on your own. This often led to kids being more creative and resourceful.

Kids would also play outside together, ride their bikes around the neighborhood, and just generally hang out with each other. Nowadays, it seems like everyone is glued to their screens and there's less of a sense of community.

But overall, life was just simpler back then. And in some ways, that was actually a good thing.

And the folks over at Reddit remembered what made those days awesome in a thread. We picked the best ones below.

Check them out!

1. Some people used to have a digital pet.

Tamagotchi were actually fun

1. Some people used to have a digital pet.dick_pixie, Tomasz Sienicki

2. No such thing as "pause."

Running to go to the bathroom during a commercial break

2. No such thing as OptimistPrime527, Marnie Morris

3. These are way better than NFTs!

Kids these days wouldn't understand why people who grew up with beanie babies won't buy NFTs

3. These are way better than NFTs!Lovebot_AI, Michael Lehet

4. Tough boys.

Calling a girl and her dad answers the phone. That s**t was rough, kids.

4. Tough boys.clydem, Anselm Hook

5. Calling friends after school and spending hours talking on the phone.

Waiting for your friend to get home to call them. (Not having constant access)

5. Calling friends after school and spending hours talking on the phone.est1979, David Wilson

6. Nowadays, people will share what they want to share.

I've noticed a lot of younger people who have grown up with social media don't have a strong sense of privacy. Everything is filmed and turned into a tiktok or an insta story without asking if you consent to having your life shared like this.

6. Nowadays, people will share what they want to share.Houndie,Marco Verch

7. Back in the day, these are the only colors you'll see on your computer screen.

A computer with a black screen with orange or green font.

7. Back in the day, these are the only colors you'll see on your computer screen.Just_Series_3125, TiSanti

8. Everyone needed to agree on a movie before renting it.

Walking to blockbuster and spending an hour trying to pick a movie everyone agrees on

8. Everyone needed to agree on a movie before renting it.sugarfairymagic, Ben Schumin

9. The coolest gadget back in the day.


9. The coolest gadget back in the day.Shuoinked, Chris Waits

10. What people looked forward to in the weekend

The joys of Saturday morning cartoons

10. What people looked forward to in the weekendGallicPontiff, xmoltarx

11. You had to disconnect to the internet if someone's going to use the phone.

"Please get off the computer (internet) so that I can make a phone call."

11. You had to disconnect to the internet if someone's going to use the phone.Big-Professional723, Blake Patterson

12. It's not only The Wizard of Oz.

The Wizard of Oz was on once a year, and if we missed it we had to wait another year to see it

12. It's not only The Wizard of Oz.Fearless_Associate_5, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

13. Scavenging pay phones be like

Hunting for dimes in pay phones

13. Scavenging pay phones be likestupidlyugly, theresajam1

14. Meetups are organized via phone calls.

Organising to meet someone on a landline and actually having to turn up on time or they wouldn’t know where you are because you have no way of contacting them.

14. Meetups are organized via phone calls.withereddesign, Alan Kotok

15. How to save money on phone calls

Waiting til nights and weekends to make FREE phone calls on your mom’s Nokia.

15. How to save money on phone callsSameAsk6997, Paul Swansen

16. No such thing as HD.

We had to walk up to the t.v. to turn it on or off, change the channel, or adjust the antenna when the picture became unclear.

16. No such thing as HD.BingeRedditor, noricum

17. We didn't have GPS or Google Maps at the time.

17. We didn't have GPS or Google Maps at the time.siriusonbroadripple,Rob Russell

18. Gaming used to be this hardcore.

Playing the same level on a game over and over because there’s no Saves

18. Gaming used to be this hardcore.drevilishrjf, blahter09

19. The challenges of owning a Gameboy

You needed a light accessory for your Gameboy because those suckers didn't have back lighting. And to trade Pokemon, you needed to use cables. CABLES.

19. The challenges of owning a Gameboygracefultime, Phil Nelson

20. Now, you can bring phones everywhere.

Phone corded to the wall.

20. Now, you can bring phones everywhere.Dendad6972, Joybot

21. Lite-Brite was a cutting-edge tech.

That Lite Brite was peak technology

21. Lite-Brite was a cutting-edge tech.shanecdotes, fo.ol

22. You probably know at least 5 phone numbers from memory.

Memorizing peoples phone numbers

22. You probably know at least 5 phone numbers from memory.OptimistPrime527, Alan Levine

23. TV Stations used to "sign off."

TV going off-the-air at night.

23. TV Stations used to J_David_Settle_1973, Shal Farley

24. Road trips were so fun!

Going on road trips as a kid where the only form of entertainment was some sort of game played amongst your siblings in the back seat involving the license plates of other passing cars. On our car trip to Disney/FL from central PA me and my brother had a competition on who could write down the most license plate numbers… we ended in the thousands but for the life of me I can’t remember who “won” 

24. Road trips were so fun!Ambrosia0201, Rod Waddington

25. Do you remember that tone?

The sound on the phone when somebody was using the internet.

25. Do you remember that tone?Poops_McClanahan, Ajit Beborta

26. Do you remember the smell?

Hitting that red strip of paper for your toy gun with a rock.

26. Do you remember the smell?songinheart17, Harry20

27. Kids don't watch TV these days.

I recently had to explain what “changing the channel” meant to my small kid because he only knows streaming. We’ve already covered CDs, VCRs, and what it means to roll down a car window. It was a little rough (for me, not him). Edit: oh and we watched “Turning Red” and I got to explain what a flip phone is.

27. Kids don't watch TV these days.Proper-Emu1558, Forsaken Fotos

28. They are called "View-Master."

those sort of binoculars with cardboard discs with pictures. I used to have Dora the Explorer ones.

28. They are called guitarhansolo, Jack Pearce

29. Playing games had a bit of an extra challenge.

Blowing on Game cartridges to make them work.

29. Playing games had a bit of an extra challenge.PrudentBuffalo4535, Kevin Bidwell from Pexels

30. Remember "Dinosaurs?"


30. Remember BeEccentric, Disney

31. You had to wait for your turn with the phone.

Picking up the telephone to call your friend and hearing people talking because it was a party line, meaning multiple households all had to share the same line and so you had to wait until it was available.

31. You had to wait for your turn with the phone.doinmybest4now, alphaspirit

32. Playing outdoors was such a huge thing.

How much time we spent playing outside, but not in organized sports. Pickup kickball in the street where you yell “CAR!” to break up the game briefly for a car driving through. Coming home covered in dirt after disappearing for five hours. We all made fun of how we were called by our parents. We would explore and poke around. Dig up worms, chase butterflies, freak out over finding a dead baby bird, skin our knees at least twice a summer and entertain ourselves for hours.

32. Playing outdoors was such a huge thing.GoddessOfOddness, Yi Chen

33. Back when there were casette tapes.

Recording music from the radio

33. Back when there were casette tapes.AndNoc, schnaars

34. Remember this game?

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?

34. Remember this game?cfishlips, The Learning Company

35. Using things to make rewinding faster.

Rewinding vhs or a cassette before returning.

35. Using things to make rewinding faster.est1979, Allan HazleReport

36. The reason the young ones called the theater.

Calling the theater to listen to the prerecorded list of what movies were playing and at what time.

36. The reason the young ones called the theater.SteamboatMcGee, stu_spivack

37. You'd look at the TV schedule to see what's good.

How we had to plan our TV watching around a printed schedule. No VHS, no dvr.

37. You'd look at the TV schedule to see what's good.thorndike, pizhonas

38. Back in the day, adult movies used to be rented.

Video rental stores with adult sections

38. Back in the day, adult movies used to be rented.est1979, Stockbyte

39. Want to play video games? Turn to this channel.

It’s not working, cuz it’s not on Ch3

39. Want to play video games? Turn to this channel.moridin82, cucuzza

40. We didn't have to worry about getting viral on the internet for being so silly.

Getting to be goofy and awkward and not have to worry about it ending up online for everyone to see.

40. We didn't have to worry about getting viral on the internet for being so silly.anon,Osvaldo Gago

41. Hoping the friend will come out

Knocking on your friends door to see if they could come out and play.

41. Hoping the friend will come outwhit3lightning, Henry Burrows

So much has changed since then.

But if you belong to the generation familiar with these items, you can't help but miss the old days. Items that used to be so big at the time are completely irrelevant today.

You also can't help but wonder how much things will change in the next decades.
