Redditor Called An A-hole For Yelling At Some Kids After They Wandered Off Towards Danger On His Property

“But why would I take a chance on someone getting injured or filthy at a get together.”

Redditor Called An A-hole For Yelling At Some Kids After They Wandered Off Towards Danger On His Property

Injuries that occur on another's property are governed by premises liability law. Maintaining a safe environment for guests should be an obligation for property owners. 

Failing to address hazardous conditions appropriately and in a timely manner can have serious consequences. Guests can file a premises liability lawsuit and demand compensation for the damages that resulted from the property owner's negligence.

Injury in any form or scale can lead to a premises liability lawsuit, especially if it's due to the owner's negligence. Businesses, government buildings, or even public locations could be included in the list of places where injury could lead to a lawsuit.

Additionally, premises liability law encompasses a wide range of hazardous conditions. As a result of negligent property maintenance, trips, slips, and falls are the most common types of injuries.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/Sensitive_Ad6538 made a post on the r/AmItheA--hole subReddit where he explained how he ended up yelling at some kids after they wandered off towards dangerous hazards on his property. The Reddit community had a lot of different reactions to u/Sensitive_Ad6538's post.

Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/Sensitive_Ad6538:

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/Sensitive_Ad6538:Reddit

OP knocked down an old barn and built a new one, but the location was still dangerous.

OP knocked down an old barn and built a new one, but the location was still dangerous.Reddit

The fenced off landscaped area has wells and old holes that could potentially be dangerous.

The fenced off landscaped area has wells and old holes that could potentially be dangerous.Reddit

The guests saw OP's warnings as “being ordered around.”

The guests saw OP's warnings as “being ordered around.”Reddit

OP worried that one of the kids might wander off into unmarked hazards.

OP worried that one of the kids might wander off into unmarked hazards.Reddit

OP eventually modified the post to include an 'Edit' with more context.

OP eventually modified the post to include an 'Edit' with more context.Reddit

OP thinks he might potentially be the a-hole for the following reason.

OP thinks he might potentially be the a-hole for the following reason.Reddit

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/Sensitive_Ad6538's post:

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/Sensitive_Ad6538's post:Reddit

OP behaved that way to prevent potential lawsuits.

OP behaved that way to prevent potential lawsuits.Reddit

Being family doesn't exclude you from communal rights.

Being family doesn't exclude you from communal rights.Reddit

OP's property is a place of business, and he could get sued.

OP's property is a place of business, and he could get sued.Reddit

OP had every right to yell at them.

OP had every right to yell at them.Reddit

Guests should respect their host's boundaries and wishes.

Guests should respect their host's boundaries and wishes.Reddit

Embarrassment is still much better than potentially getting hurt.

Embarrassment is still much better than potentially getting hurt.Reddit

Only the owner of the property can decide who gets to be there.

Only the owner of the property can decide who gets to be there.Reddit

OP's reaction is totally reasonable.

OP's reaction is totally reasonable.Reddit

OP's concerns were valid.

OP's concerns were valid.Reddit

The fence was installed there for a reason.

The fence was installed there for a reason.Reddit

The property is no longer shared by the whole family.

The property is no longer shared by the whole family.Reddit

“Every state has laws governing wells, abandoned and working...”

“Every state has laws governing wells, abandoned and working...”Reddit

OP was being extra careful since you never know where the hazards are. It's a safety precaution.

OP was being extra careful since you never know where the hazards are. It's a safety precaution.Reddit

OP had every right to yell at those kids. Raising your voice to prevent someone from potentially getting in trouble should generally be tolerated in most situations.

The yelling's aim was to warn and not to embarrass. The family somehow saw it that way, and that's completely on them. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
