50 Photos Showing Times People Used The Wrong Words, Leading To A Whole Load Of The Funniest Mishaps

"My parents just gave me 3L of milk which inspires in 3 days"

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50 Photos Showing Times People Used The Wrong Words, Leading To A Whole Load Of The Funniest Mishaps

An official term for the abuse of a word that sounds similar to the right one is called "malapropism." It's remarkably prevalent, especially when compared to the vast English vocabulary, and it frequently appears in the everyday speech.

However, because a malapropism has a hilarious effect, writers will occasionally utilize it as a literary device. The Rivals, a drama by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, is where the phrase first appeared.

In order to make the audience laugh, the character Mrs. Malaprop does precisely that in the story. Mal à propos, which translates to "wrongly or poorly placed," is likely where Mrs. Malaprop got her name.

The borrowed word is spelled "malapropos" in English and means "inappropriate or inappropriately." It all began with a ridiculous image as a screenshot of Facebook user Dunta Pickett's viral post from August 1, 2016, in which he shared a picture of his birthday dinner and instead of writing "bon appétit," wished himself "bone apple tea."

After just one month, a subreddit with the same name was created with the aim of compiling instances of people struggling to express themselves. The phrase quickly became a household phrase on the internet.

In the end, the "Bone Apple Tea" community grew to 1.2 million members, and based on the volume of new content it produces, that number will keep on rising.

1. Chicken Case Of Ideas

1. Chicken Case Of IdeasEERJJ

2. Horrors Cope

2. Horrors Copeadmiralomelette

3. Alpaca Lips

3. Alpaca LipsPinkyLizardBrains

4. Caucasian

4. CaucasianLTAD2108

5. Build Board

5. Build Boardtdzines

6. Skin

6. SkinAPFernweh

7. Mosquito Skeleton Society

7. Mosquito Skeleton Societymadamplease

8. Very Nice Mid Evil Chair

8. Very Nice Mid Evil Chaircowsofoblivion

9. Commitments

9. CommitmentsPigeonInAUFO

10. Someone Needs To Tell Friday We Need Gas

10. Someone Needs To Tell Friday We Need GasGonzoVeritas

11. Larva Lamp

11. Larva Lampstormfet

12. He Do Be Coffin Skate-Ing Tho

12. He Do Be Coffin Skate-Ing ThoReintegrationTablet

13. Lemonade These Papers

13. Lemonade These PapersExpertAccident

14. ‘Currently I’m Into Essential Oil Diffusers And Incest’

14. ‘Currently I’m Into Essential Oil Diffusers And Incest’reddit.com

15. Uncle?

15. Uncle?gamba_dues

16. Calling Flower Taste Like Ribs

16. Calling Flower Taste Like RibsWeakHamburger

17. Not For Grandad

17. Not For Grandadamouretto

18. Walked Right Pasta Me In Her Linguine!

18. Walked Right Pasta Me In Her Linguine!NeitherOstrichNorEmu

19. Alvin And The Chick Mucks

19. Alvin And The Chick MucksCommon_Coyote_3

20. Accept The Feet

20. Accept The Feetickydonkeytoothbrush

21. Closed For Personal Circumcisions

21. Closed For Personal CircumcisionsTheoneandonlyk

22. Sorry For The Incontinence

22. Sorry For The Incontinencemaskirovkaaa

23. Violent

23. Violentqueenofdastupids

24. May Body, May Rules

24. May Body, May RulesDinklBot

25. Super Observant… On Wet Surfaces

25. Super Observant… On Wet Surfacesginger-loving-asian

26. Job Requirements: Be A Ghost Rider

26. Job Requirements: Be A Ghost RiderJonPaula

27. Shelf And Steam

27. Shelf And SteamDravenPrime

28. Milk Which Inspires

28. Milk Which Inspiresdanzha

29. Call The Corner

29. Call The Cornerscorchedgoat

30. Sally Manilla

30. Sally Manillajonytano

31. I Mean, I Assume Haiti Is Hot Too

31. I Mean, I Assume Haiti Is Hot Toosmeatloaf

32. Al Gore Rhythm

32. Al Gore RhythmCantEverSpell

33. Monogamy Dresser

33. Monogamy Dresserzargkb

34. All Tomato

34. All TomatoPlotsOfAFrog

35. Organic Butterfly

35. Organic ButterflyBlueJay_420

36. A B*tch You Worried

36. A B*tch You Worriednomaddd79

37. If You Incest

37. If You Incestteeny_gecko

38. Head Lice For Sale

38. Head Lice For Salelordcupkake

39. Takin A Bath

39. Takin A BathMditty129

40. Beware The Green Reaper!

40. Beware The Green Reaper!FlixFlix

41. Laughing Historically

41. Laughing HistoricallyOreMysticCoolcumber

42. “A Soon”

42. “A Soon”Hearthacnut

43. The Aarons

43. The AaronsTheSpazzerMan

44. My Man Said First A Fall

44. My Man Said First A FallCytomPlayz

45. Arthur Writes This

45. Arthur Writes Thisilikebees30

46. “She’s Cake” - I Was Toll Define Members Of This Sub Would Enjoy This

46. “She’s Cake” - I Was Toll Define Members Of This Sub Would Enjoy ThisSHRIMPLYtv

47. Pain Apple

47. Pain Applepulsating-orc-cock

48. Gin Knee Pig

48. Gin Knee PigConnorsweeney123

49. Criminalized Onion

49. Criminalized OnionMonkyThrowPoop

50. Portal Potties

50. Portal PottiesStalders1

Mispronunciations or "slips of the tongue" can also signal language shifts, which are not just embarrassing mistakes. In fact, sometimes we speak with mispronunciations because they are so common.

Which of these wrong words made you laugh out loud? Drop your comments below and share this post as well.
