20 Survival Myths That Are Completely Wrong And Can Get You Killed
They're for the opposite of survival.
- Published in Interesting
In this world, we'll never really know what will happen next. The future is just too unpredictable.
We can prepare and prepare for all the scenarios we can think off but no amount of preparation can really fully have us ready for all the unknowns of the future. You might think that there are some things that will never happen to you but you just never know.
That's why it pays to know some things like simple advice and tips to help you out in unexpected situations. These can get you out of a pickle, help you avoid destroying property, and even allow you to help other people in need in dire situations.
Some of these include knowing what to do when a small fire in your home starts, knowing what to do when you encounter a predator in the wild, and other things like that. You have to watch out though because there are a lot of tips being spread out there that might not actually be helpful.
Some tips that other people are teaching can actually be a lot more harmful and can even get you killed. Here are a few examples of those tips according to Redditors.
1. It's not the quenchiest option as tempting as it seems. Just hold out a little longer for that real water.
aixbelle2. They might just be looking for food or a place to nest in for the day
loveliboi3. There are actually people out there who have died of dehydration because they kept trying to conserve their water
Basketballjuice4. You're basically giving the tornado more chances to carry your whole house away
NightOnFuckMountain5. The best way to actually warm them up is through body heat. Put their frosty skin near yours.
Grungemaster6. Moss can grow anywhere they like and the tree can't do anything about it
dildorthegreat877. If you're lost or injured out there in the woods, your best chances of survival depends on being found quickly
Histidine8. That will just make killers a lot easier to stalk their prey. Why do you think predators always separate their prey from the group?
Mission_Blueberry_489. That dude probably wouldn't actually survive if he didn't have his film crew there with him
DemocracySausage8910. Animals don't have the same body systems as humans so don't trust everything that goes into them
lordbeezlebub11. Just because it looks crystal clear and nothing is in it does it mean that it doesn't have any deadly bacteria waiting for you
12inch_Juicy_Burrito12. The elements can weaken you much faster than a lack of food for one night and yes, herbivores will absolutely mess you up
kuroi_sny13. Just run straight ahead for your dear life. The alligator will eventually decide it's had enough chasing.
TchaikenNugget14. They're just curious creatures most of the time
swaggy_kyu15. You'll only make your blood run out of you faster and you'll likely die of blood loss
Alexastria16. Just avoid any places they might strike altogether because although you might survive the first one, two strikes doesn't sound too good
CatboyInAMaidOutfit17. They might get revived for a little bit but that doesn't mean they're completely out of the danger zone
Q8Q18. The best chances of finding that person or any clues to their disappearance lies in those early hours after someone notices them missing
Inner-English-67819. It helps with frostbite though
Morning_Throbber20. It's better to wrap up to protect yourself from getting burnt by the sun and freezing to death
Curious_Wrangler_980The best thing to do when finding out a new survival tip is to double-check if it actually works because while the intentions might be good, they might end up actually costing you your life. So, don't forget to double-check or actually look for people who have tried the tip themselves.
Also, have a backup plan for these things. You need to be prepared for the worst you know.