20 Nominations Of Incredible Humans To Represent Humanity Should We Ever Be Visited By An Alien Race
If only one person could represent us all, who would be the best fit?

Science fiction and cinema aside, the chances that we are truly alone in the whole universe is statistically unlikely. In fact, science has even taken to "simple" math to determine how much life is surely out there!
According to NASA, one in six stars hosts a planet hospitable to life. David Kipping, an assistant professor in Columbia's Department of Astronomy did the math and said: "The rapid emergence of life and the late evolution of humanity, in the context of the timeline of evolution, are certainly suggestive, but in this study it's possible to actually quantify what the facts tell us."
He also said:
"If we played Earth's history again, the emergence of intelligence is actually somewhat unlikely. Yet encouragingly, the case for a universe teeming with life emerges as the favored bet. The search for intelligent life in worlds beyond Earth should be by no means discouraged."
In a 2015 poll, over half of US citizens polled believed that aliens exist. NBC News reported:
"In 1961 astronomer Frank Drake devised a simple equation for estimating the number of "technically active" societies in our galaxy. That bit of easy math is known as the Drake Equation, and it's often said to be the second most famous formula in science (the first being Einstein's E = mc2)."
Reddit user sippingsauce asked r/AskReddit "Aliens come down to Earth, who is the one person you would chose to represent all of humanity?"

"For what we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly not vomit.”

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

"Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?"

Here's a Betty White quote we can all appreciate:
“Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”

Happy lil accidents.

This may be the BEST answer.

Never Gonna Give You Up

This response to Rick Astley has us... wait for it... rolling.

You know the rules, and so do I.

The logical answer

Fair enough.

The one and only

The Doctor

The Zuck may not be the best choice, y'all, c'mon.



It IS about damn time...

What a guy

We can all appreciate a solid Marvel reference, don't you think?

Back to back Marvel themed GOLD? Thank you, Redditors.

I believe I've seen this movie.

Per Wikipedia:
"Sir David Frederick Attenborough is an English broadcaster, natural historian and author. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series forming the Life collection, a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth."

The world needs more grandmothers like this.

Mr. Bean, the lovable buffoon.


Clearly, Mister Rogers is the BEST choice.
"Fred McFeely Rogers, also known as Mister Rogers, was an American television host, author, producer, and Presbyterian minister. He was the creator, showrunner, and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which ran from 1968 to 2001."

DOLLY, y'all, there are some good answers and there are some GREAT answers.

Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator.

Weird Al? Weird Al.

I take back everything, this gets my ultimate vote.

The burden of representing the entire human race is almost insurmountable, and who would be best to do such a task would and does logically vary depending on a plethora of factors that could never easily be measured. These Redditors offered up some fantastic nominations though, so you'll have to let us know in the comment sections what your thoughts are about this interesting hypothetical.
