30 People Share The Worst News They Had To Tell Other People And They Are Heartbreaking
"I had to tell a 4 year old that I couldn't be his mum."
- Published in Interesting
Communication is an integral part of our humanity. Our ability to speak and understand each other either bridges gaps or creates barriers among us.
Proper communication is also one of the pillars that build strong relationships between people. This type of open and honest communication is a learned skill that is easier said than done especially when it comes to discussing the inevitable rough patches we go through.
There is no shortage of these difficult times but this doesn't make heartbreaking conversations any easier. Relaying sad news to family, friends, and loved ones will always be a challenge.
A recent discussion on a Reddit forum tackled this tear-jerking topic. Thousands of anonymous users shared the hardest things they've had to tell someone else.
We are warning you that these stories talk about death, breakups, and pets. Reddit users who are notorious for keeping their personal details private got vulnerable in a rare moment.
They opened up their lives and gave us a glimpse into some of the darkest moments of their past. There is no sugarcoating this thread because a lot of the stories are difficult to read.
Feel free to take a lot of deep breaths while reading these stories. Make sure there are some tissues nearby in case some unruly tears escape from your eyes.
Here's the question that started the impromptu group therapy session:
Necessary-Thought-911. The timing, the death, and the number of times first responders & healthcare workers have to do this is unthinkable
9ELLIOTT242. The sad reality of being around your parents during their sunset years
deelightfulamy3. This husband who had to keep it together to share the most heartbreaking news to his family
TheBelhade4. This cancer patient who had to relay the reality of her disease
insertcaffeine5. We just want to give everyone on this thread a big hug
AmigoDelDiabla6. This commenter who was just a teenager at that time
jttdiana7. This person who had to tell a kid she couldn't be his mom
Lunakitten8. Witnessing a grandparent pass away and making the calls to loved ones
guitar_collector9. This person who faced their addiction
deeznutz06610. This person who had to rush to their mom's house to tell her about a death in the family before she reads it online
Affectionate_Ad977511. This friend who had to share their friend's manner of death
Arterdras12. This military personnel who had to inform the parents of a fallen soldier about his death
elementaljay13. A mom who had to tell her teenage daughter her cousin died
Low-Fishing394814. This person who had the unfortunate job of informing their mom that their parent was killed by another family member
EhlersDanlosSucks15. An employee who had to inform the entire office about a coworker's death
blahmeistah16. Time for a break... imagine telling a kid that chocolate milk is not naturally chocolatey
[deleted]17. This kid who had to repeatedly tell their mom that their sibling was dead
BraveLilTurtles18. This daughter who had to inform her dad's best friend of his passing
bitterherpes19. Telling a genuinely good hearted politician they lost the race
abarthman20. Informing your client they will live their whole life without freedom
rburgundy6921. Informing a neighbor you witnessed their pet's last moments
Back2Bach22. Informing family members about the passing of a loved one will never be easy
quickpeek8123. Having to tell a parent you can't recover the photographs of their dead child
ITstaph24. Rescue personnels who had to inform the family that there is a slim chance their relative will be found alive
WatchTheBoom25. Oh god, I can't even imagine how painful this must have been
ItzNuckinFutz26. This mom who had to tell her kids they will never get to meet and grow up with their baby brother
[deleted]27. Ending a marriage
missjchaos28. "Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children"
Furimbus29. Finally saying this out loud must have been terrifying and traumatizing
izzypy71c30. Relaying the bad news to your parents that your sibling died
copperfrog42Life throws us a lot of curve balls. Conversations like the ones above cannot be avoided because at one point or another, it will have to be us delivering the bad news.
Nothing will ever prepare us for those moments but we can only choose to be kind and emphatic when those moments do come. We are sending the warmest virtual hug, with consent, to everyone.