20+ Stories About People Who Had The Worst Food Experiences

Be careful with what goes into your mouth.

Elzaan Van der merwe
  • Published in Funny
20+ Stories About People Who Had The Worst Food Experiences

Food is everything! Are you feeling sad and lonely? Eat. Are you bored? Eat. Are you crazy busy? Eat. Food is life, that's why we would never be able to stop eating, oh and some food is just too good for you to even think about stopping, so go right on ahead and stuff your face full.

Sometimes though, and I am sure we have all had it, the food is just not that great. It tastes funny, it smells weird and when it looks and feels slimy you know something is up. Bad food experiences are enough to put you off that particular food group and even surrounding ones. So watch what goes into your mouth.

These people were unfortunate enough to experience very traumatic food experiences and I am telling you, you don't want to go near that food.

1. The doggo donuts.

1. The doggo donuts.Facebook

2. Chicken dove casserole.

2. Chicken dove casserole.Facebook

3. We hope the kitty litter was clean.

3. We hope the kitty litter was clean.Facebook

4. Damn you tortilla chip!

4. Damn you tortilla chip!Facebook

5. The near death runt experience.

5. The near death runt experience.Facebook

6. Because snotty cereal is the best.

6. Because snotty cereal is the best.Facebook

7. What a way to ruin bacon.

7. What a way to ruin bacon.Facebook

8. When your cousin kills chickens and throws them at you.

8. When your cousin kills chickens and throws them at you.Facebook

9. He had the best sleep in ages that night.

9. He had the best sleep in ages that night.Facebook

10. They should maybe clean it before you eat it.

10. They should maybe clean it before you eat it.Facebook

11. A piece of his soul died that day.

11. A piece of his soul died that day.Facebook

12. What dangerous sweets are these people eating?

12. What dangerous sweets are these people eating?Facebook

13. That a piece of lettuce can make you wet your pants.

13. That a piece of lettuce can make you wet your pants.Facebook

14. The tricks the hospitals pull on you so that you can eat your food.

14. The tricks the hospitals pull on you so that you can eat your food.Facebook

15. I am guessing the lovely pushover of a teacher?

15. I am guessing the lovely pushover of a teacher?Facebook

16. He just said screw it and moved on.

16. He just said screw it and moved on.Facebook

17. They should teach you these things at school.

17. They should teach you these things at school.Facebook

18. It's a miracle you are still alive!

18. It's a miracle you are still alive!Facebook

19. It helped, your not a vegan anymore.

19. It helped, your not a vegan anymore.Facebook

20. What kind of party is this?

20. What kind of party is this?Facebook

21. People should really start using name tags for food.

21. People should really start using name tags for food.Facebook

22. We all know it was the rug's fault.

22. We all know it was the rug's fault.Facebook

23. Get the cats out of the kitchen woman!

23. Get the cats out of the kitchen woman!Facebook

24. Thank you for that image you just installed in all of our brains.

24. Thank you for that image you just installed in all of our brains.Facebook

25. They always warned us that something like this would happen.

25. They always warned us that something like this would happen.Facebook

26. At least you didn't have morning breath.

26. At least you didn't have morning breath.Facebook

27. I am pretty sure it burnt a hole through your body.

27. I am pretty sure it burnt a hole through your body.Facebook

28. Rule number 1: Only eat your own food for safety.

28. Rule number 1: Only eat your own food for safety.Facebook

29. You can't blame the food for this one.

29. You can't blame the food for this one.Facebook

30. We will all be skipping anatomy classes.

30. We will all be skipping anatomy classes.Facebook

31. Well, now you know!

31. Well, now you know!Facebook

32. We should find the person who sells horse meat.

32. We should find the person who sells horse meat.Facebook

33. These pesky moth's laying their eggs everywhere.

33. These pesky moth's laying their eggs everywhere.Facebook

34. Good going! Nobody saw that coming!

34. Good going! Nobody saw that coming!Facebook

35. Hide your drink away next time.

35. Hide your drink away next time.Facebook

36. The poor little chick.

36. The poor little chick.Facebook
Elzaan Van der merwe