30 Hilarious Times Construction Workers Tried Shortcuts But Ended Up Making Mess Of Everything, As Shared By IG Page
When you decide to cut corners, get ready for the turnout

Construction work is regarded as hard labor since many of the jobs are physically taxing. It is necessary to move heavy objects and use risky instruments on a daily basis while paying close attention to detail and adhering to strict time constraints.
Not to mention all of the late nights and early mornings! So some workers took short cuts to make things a little easier for themselves but doing so frequently means assuming greater danger.
While there are countless ways to get hurt at work, the National Safety Council (NSC) discovered that there are certain typical safety risks that are frequently identified. The fact that working at a height is at the top of the list should come as no surprise.
Scaffolding and ladder-related concerns were among the most commonly reported infractions. It's possible that employers are unaware of their obligation to offer fall protection, or that the equipment is not correctly worn or connected.
There are employers who don't even have a documented fall protection policy or procedure. The 'Construction Fails' Instagram account serves as a helpful reminder to all that there is a limit to how far you can push these boundaries.
1. The Backside Of The Rebar Really Needed To Be Inspected Didn’t It Bob

2. Bob Hold On I’ll Give You A Hand Out

3. Hey Bob Can You Go Grab The Bucket Off The Top Shelf?

4. Bobs Solution When The Trench Is Just A Little Too Deep For The Bucket

5. Bob Doesn’t Have An Operators License So He Hand Digs

6. Bob Just Doesn’t Have Time To Rent Scissor Lifts

7. Bob Quick The Safety Inspector Is Here, Get Rid Of The Lift

8. Yea Bob We’ve Got The Same Feeling About This Week As Well

9. Hey Bob Just Drop Her Right Over There

10. It’s Ladder Week At Construction Fails - Pay Attention Osha! When That Top Rung Just Won’t Be Enough

11. Rules For The Jobsite

12. Just Use The Hazard Notice Board Bob, It’ll Be Fine

13. Don't Worry Guys.the Taper Will Fix It Haha

14. Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes, Real Heroes Strap Loads To The Roof And Pray

15. Nailed It

16. Is This Any Better Bob?

17. The Most Appropriate Anchor Point

18. Bob You Remember To Put Up The Pylons Right?

19. Why Bother Getting A Lift When You Have Three Ladders And Some Lumber Right Bob

20. Nothing To See Here Folks

21. I Feel Like Bob Is Starting To Tell A Story

22. When Electrician Bob Runs His Conduit Where You Told Him Not To

23. Bob Doesn’t Do Just One Safety Infraction, He Does Many

24. This Has Been Posted All Over

25. Builder Bob Hiding From Monday’s!

26. Who Needs Scaffolding For Stairs When You Have Bob Ingenuity

27. ''not My Job'' Awards Goes To ⠀

28. This Will Be The New Way To Get Around All Job Sites

29. When The Electrician Is Using The Lift Bob Improvises

30. I Got You Bob

Coming to confined spaces, tragedies have happened as a result of employers failing to provide permits or conduct risk assessments, and they can present a multitude of hazards. Employers shouldn't have any issues if the risk assessment and permission process are completed accurately and all procedures are followed.
Furthermore, as the pictures have shown, a worksite may have a variety of additional risks, all of which need to be recognized and avoided.
