Here Are 50 Of The Worst 'Cursed Images' That'll Definitely Shake You Up, As Shared By A Page Online

They’ll certainly make you do a double-take

Here Are 50 Of The Worst  'Cursed Images' That'll Definitely Shake You Up, As Shared By A Page Online

Odd, contextless, and then there's the weird. These are just a few of the adjectives used to describe the 'Cursed Images' social media effort.

The curator of the project does exactly what it says on the box and posts 'cursed' photos on Instagram and Twitter, and they're so strange that you're just as likely to be perplexed as amused. The term "cursed images" initially appeared online in late 2015, following the creation of a Tumblr blog dedicated to this type of strange content.

These memes spread on the site before making their way to Twitter in mid-2016. That's when cursed photos gained widespread notice, from The New Yorker to Gizmodo.

It's the kind of information that makes you pause in your browsing because it sticks out so much from the crowd. It's strange, it is frequently less than aesthetically pleasing, and it truly fires up your synapses as they attempt to comprehend the unintelligible.

We've gathered the strangest offenders to demonstrate that no matter how well you think you know the internet, there will always be something that makes you look twice. Get yourself ready as you scroll down.

More info: Instagram | Twitter

1. Dead as stone

1. Dead as stonecursed_images

2. You get it?

2. You get it?cursed_images

3. Make it count

3. Make it countcursed_images

Their main purpose is to either shock or upset the audience, as well as to present an alternative to all of the attractive and sweet information that people are accustomed to seeing when they go online. Cursed images attract a lot of attention since they stand out from the typical viral content, such as kitten pictures, work memes, and parenting tweets.


4. Take it way up

4. Take it way upcursedimages_2

5. Leg on leg

5. Leg on legcursed_images

6. Put it together and boom…

6. Put it together and boom…cursed_images

7. Who gets it first?

7. Who gets it first?cursedimages_2

Meanwhile, cursed emojis are glitchy, unaesthetic, and would most likely dwell in Uncanny Valley if it were a real place. Any meme that goes viral must find a method to connect with its target audience.

In general, the more relatable a topic or image is, the more probable it is that people will 'vibe' with it.


8. Don’t come close

8. Don’t come closecursed_images

9. Enjoy

9. Enjoycursedimages_2

10. When you love tomatoes

10. When you love tomatoescursed_images

11. Toast?

11. Toast?cursed_images

A healthy dose of laughter can also help. After all, who doesn't appreciate a nice, lengthy chuckle to relieve stress?

You can, however, stand out by taking the opposite path. Instead of healthy and humorous, you get frightening and perplexing.

And in an age when we're all bombarded with memes on a daily basis, these kinds of images can actually feel 'new,' even if they make you raise your eyebrows.


12. Hmm…

12. Hmm…cursed_images

13. Is it yours?

13. Is it yours?cursed_images

14. Oh no

14. Oh nocursed_images

15. Okay

15. Okaycursed_images

16. That’s awkward

16. That’s awkwardcursed_images

17. What is that?

17. What is that?cursed_images

18. That’s definitely creepy

18. That’s definitely creepycursed_images

19. Gushing out

19. Gushing outcursed_images

20. Roll away

20. Roll awaycursed_images

21. Pizza is screaming

21. Pizza is screamingcursed_images

22. Is it me or…

22. Is it me or…cursed_images

23. Okay, where’s the head?

23. Okay, where’s the head?cursed_images

24. What to do?

24. What to do?cursedimages_2

25. Looking at yourself like…

25. Looking at yourself like…cursedimages_2

26. What’s happening here?

26. What’s happening here?cursedimages_2

27. The resemblance

27. The resemblancecursed_images

28. That’s a lot

28. That’s a lotcursed_images

29. Are they slowing it down?

29. Are they slowing it down?cursed_images

30. Okay

30. Okaycursed_images

31. What!

31. What!cursed_images

32. No road mate

32. No road matecursed_images

33. The havoc

33. The havoccursed_images

34. The terror

34. The terrorcursed_images

35. Wanna party?

35. Wanna party?cursed_images

36. Keep wiping

36. Keep wipingcursedimages_2

37. Oreo

37. Oreocursed_images

38. The irony of it all

38. The irony of it allcursed_images

39. What is that?

39. What is that?cursed_images

40. Oh oh

40. Oh ohcursedimages_2

41. Scared?

41. Scared?cursedimages_2

42. That is so creepy

42. That is so creepycursedimages_2

43. Careful now

43. Careful nowcursed_images

44. Are you drinking?

44. Are you drinking?cursed_images

45. There’s a lot of them

45. There’s a lot of themcursed_images

46. No comment

46. No commentcursed_images

47. So sorry mate

47. So sorry matecursed_images

48. Eeww

48. Eewwcursed_images

49. Seriously?

49. Seriously?cursedimages_2

50. I’m okay

50. I’m okaycursed_images

Which of these cursed images frightened you the most? Which ones did you find the most enjoyable?

Were there any that you honestly wished you hadn't seen? Are you a lover of bizarre content, or do you prefer content closer to the 'blessed' end of the meme spectrum?

Please leave your opinions in the comments.
