Woman Cries Out For Help As She Battles Daily Advances From Persistent Male Colleague

"He makes comments about my face, my eyes, and he say's I've got a pretty a$$."

Woman Cries Out For Help As She Battles Daily Advances From Persistent Male Colleague

Finding a supportive and comfortable work environment is essential for anyone to thrive, but sometimes unexpected situations can make going to work a dreadful experience. A universal yet often unspoken dilemma many face is receiving unsolicited attention in a professional setting.

Not only is it annoying, but it can become unsettling when the admirer becomes persistent, regardless of your disapproval.

A recent story surfaced from a 21-year-old woman (OP) who, after joining her workplace nearly a year ago, has been experiencing unwanted advances from a male coworker. Worst of all, this coworker has a long-time girlfriend of 7 years, making his advances even more puzzling.

For the initial seven months, OP's interaction with her male colleague was purely professional. However, the dynamics changed when he started to comment on her physical attributes.

From commenting on her eyes and dimples, his comments gradually became a little too sexual for OP's comfort. In addition, a seemingly casual conversation about going to the gym further intensified the situation.

While it is customary for colleagues to engage in fitness plans together, the backdrop of his unsolicited comments made her very uncomfortable with him accompanying her.

Recently, a third coworker inadvertently became a part of this drama by showing him an Instagram photo of OP's back dimple piercing. This led to him using the word "sexy" on her.

At this point, it became too much for OP to bear. She confronted him about his inappropriate behavior and pointed out that it was weird to call another woman "sexy" while being in a relationship.

OP's colleague brushed it off while arguing that he was being non-sexual. Ever since, OP has been pondering if she truly has a case against her coworker or if she's just overreacting to some harmless comments.

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

OP’s coworker has been hitting on her for a while now

OP’s coworker has been hitting on her for a while nowReddit.com

The comments have gotten a bit too sexual for OP’s comfort

The comments have gotten a bit too sexual for OP’s comfortReddit.com

Here’s what the Reddit community had to say:

“He’s lying to your face, of course he means it that way.“

“He’s lying to your face, of course he means it that way.“Reddit.com

The coworker’s comments are inappropriate in a workplace regardless of if he has a girlfriend or not

The coworker’s comments are inappropriate in a workplace regardless of if he has a girlfriend or notReddit.com

“Look OP theres only one way of dealing with men like this. You call them out.”

“Look OP theres only one way of dealing with men like this. You call them out.”Reddit.com

“It’s totally inappropriate to talk about your co-worker's features (especially, their @$$) and he knows this.”

“It’s totally inappropriate to talk about your co-worker's features (especially, their @$$) and he knows this.”Reddit.com

“Arms up, walk away. Don’t ever placate that kind of talk.“

“Arms up, walk away. Don’t ever placate that kind of talk.“Reddit.com

“As a man Myself, I can definitely tell You He's testing the waters to see if You'll bite.“

“As a man Myself, I can definitely tell You He's testing the waters to see if You'll bite.“Reddit.com

“This is sexual harassment. You have every right to go to your supervisor.”

“This is sexual harassment. You have every right to go to your supervisor.”Reddit.com

“If he does it again after that, report the harassment to your employer.”

“If he does it again after that, report the harassment to your employer.”Reddit.com

“Saying you have a pretty a** is textbook workplace sexual harassment.”

“Saying you have a pretty a** is textbook workplace sexual harassment.”Reddit.com

The Reddit community is livid with OP’s coworker. They have deemed his advances as “sexual harassment” and have advised OP to report to her supervisor.

In addition, a few commenters have suggested other strategies to deal with the coworker herself. One of these is to stop being overly friendly with him and to tell him off when next he approaches.

We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
