20+ Relatable Illustrations That Show The Inconsistencies In Our Society, As Shared By An Artist

"Adulthood seems to be a myth that we tell children to make them behave."
It is often said that "laughter is the best therapy". If so, then Stephen Beals is nothing less than a therapist in this situation.
He turns unpleasant events and feelings into hysterically funny artwork that every shopper and retail employee can identify with. Stephen has a very long history of producing comics.
He only does this out of pure artistic and comedic passion, and you can see it from his comics. As Stephen himself stated, he made his sketches as a means to unwind after work.
In his words, "adulthood seems to be a myth that we tell children to make them behave," and he gave them the name "Adult Children." He fervently believes that, in the name of adulthood, we all have a child within us that we repress and conceal.
As his name implies, Stephen strives to amuse the inner child of every adult through his comics. Through this humorous art, Stephen exposes the difficulties of corporate enslavement and how a shopkeeper must deal with a thousand different personalities on a daily basis.
Because he works at a library, Stephen is skilled at dealing with various people and interpreting various personalities. We'd love to know which of these funny comics you find the funniest as you scroll down and start laughing.
So go right ahead and enjoy!
More info: Instagram
Most of the time, all we really need to change our moods for the better are these types of comics. And thanks to artists like Stephen, we get to see more comics on our feeds.
We encourage you to share your opinions by dropping them in the section below. And don’t forget to share these humorous paintings with your social network.