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"I will never understand businesses inability to recognize a Bus Factor. How many people can get hit by a bus before no one knows how something is done."
As employees, you get benefits that are within your rights. You might have extra perks but there are standard things that are a must in every employment.
Whether it’s healthcare or bonuses, one of the essential rights of any employee is days off. This includes sick leaves and paid off-duty days.
Although, not every company or boss values their employees’ time. As long as they get what they want or need, you have to be able to do as they say or else you’re in their bad graces.
They instill the hustle life in you. On the upside, you’ll know what you’re working on like the back of your hand, on the downside, they might rely on you more even beyond the work hours.
Under normal circumstances, they would give you multiple calls when they need something solved. In one case, in particular, a Redditor retold the story of how his boss sent a plane to fetch him from vacation to save him from the mess in their office.
Sounds extreme, but OP is just annoyed that his vacation with his family is interrupted when he prepped and informed his boss beforehand. His boss didn’t fully listen to him, thinking that he can do OP’s job but he was wrong and learned it the hard way.
OP’s boss waved off his concern when he was trying to prevent a disaster from unfolding. His desperate measures to retrieve OP from his interrupted vacation weren’t the best strategy as well under pressure.
In the end, OP’s co-workers must have been thankful that he cared about them and tried to solve what he can, which is the entire situation. He also ended up being the boss so that was a huge compensation after the mess.