40 Unbelievable Work-Related Horror Stories

It would be hard to believe until you remember we live in a capitalist hellscape

40 Unbelievable Work-Related Horror Stories

The average full-time worker spends over 2,000 hours per year at their workplace. That’s just based on the basic 40-hour work week and doesn’t take into account overtime, salaried positions that inevitably end up being over 40 hours a week.

If you’re not one of the lucky ones who have managed to transition to fully working at home due to the pandemic, then there’s also the time you have to take to get to and from your job. Over a third of our day, for five days a week, we spend at work.

All that time spent at work opens up the opportunities to build relationships with people we may not have otherwise met, as well as provide an environment to learn and grow our skillsets through hands-on experience. Though, it’s not always a good thing.

Some people just have clashing personalities, and there are those in leadership positions who let their title completely go to their head and over-inflate their egos, which can cause disastrous fall out when they feel slighted.

Not to mention positions that are customer-facing. Those jobs are a special kind of torture.

Knowing that even the most perfect job has its downsides, a Redditor posed the question: “What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever had to deal with at work?” And the answers flooded in, with over 3,800 comments and counting.

Keep scrolling to read some of the most mind-boggling and outrageous stories that were shared.

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever had to deal with at work?

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever had to deal with at work?sparklingshanaya

1. Boss who sacrificed their social life for their job ends up inviting coworkers to her bachelorette party

1. Boss who sacrificed their social life for their job ends up inviting coworkers to her bachelorette partyTEMNEET


2. They got fired for not participating in workplace games

2. They got fired for not participating in workplace gamesR3v0lu710n123

3. Cartoon character was "too cartoony"

3. Cartoon character was AnyoneButMee


4. The after church crowd on Sunday afternoons while working at McDonalds

4. The after church crowd on Sunday afternoons while working at McDonaldsrainbow-nymph

5. Telephone line installer/repairman was sent on a repair and ended up working with an elderly woman in mental distress

5. Telephone line installer/repairman was sent on a repair and ended up working with an elderly woman in mental distress



6. IKEA customer demanded a return after they accidentally tore the instruction manual in half

6. IKEA customer demanded a return after they accidentally tore the instruction manual in halfcarissadraws

7. Boss was toxic AF

7. Boss was toxic AFGranularTerror


8. Contractor working on a new home build got stuck upstairs after another set of workers demolished the staircase

8. Contractor working on a new home build got stuck upstairs after another set of workers demolished the staircaseSlimesterG

9. Damned if they do, damned if they don't sort of situation

9. Damned if they do, damned if they don't sort of situationDKmann


10. Employee tried to balance what was best for his family and coworkers and their boss decides to be an insensitive a-hole

10. Employee tried to balance what was best for his family and coworkers and their boss decides to be an insensitive a-holeTHSSFC

11. A group of grown-ass men with 1 brain cell shared among them

11.  A group of grown-ass men with 1 brain cell shared among themundeadgorgeous


12. Maybe she was confusing "gluten free" with "vegan"?

12. Maybe she was confusing Z3ROGR4V1TY

13. Okay, but, Prince had some great shoes

13. Okay, but, Prince had some great shoescihojuda


14. The film industry has their fair share of Karen's, too

14. The film industry has their fair share of Karen's, tooBojangles9000

15. Co-worker went to extreme measures to get paid

15. Co-worker went to extreme measures to get paidmarzie00


16. An atheist working in a very religious country

16. An atheist working in a very religious countryeventhorizon2093

17. Customer brought their dog into a grocery store and didn't clean up after it

17. Customer brought their dog into a grocery store and didn't clean up after itKiteTenjo


18. Pubic hair debacle at a call center

18. Pubic hair debacle at a call centerPlumpuddingdog

19. Customers wanting impressions on top of food service

19. Customers wanting impressions on top of food serviceandyduphresne92


20. Central America Tour Guide had a LOT of stories

20. Central America Tour Guide had a LOT of stories


21. Woman had an odd request when dropping her dog off to be groomed

21. Woman had an odd request when dropping her dog off to be groomedsnailsforbreakfast


22. Teacher had an incredible student with terrible parents

22. Teacher had an incredible student with terrible parentsPumachef93

23. A shitshow, in other words

23. A shitshow, in other wordsByDeleted


24. Hired an influencer who ended up eating paint

24. Hired an influencer who ended up eating paintnanrosenthal

25. Gym goer thought the employees were the ones to handle wild geese outside

25. Gym goer thought the employees were the ones to handle wild geese outsideWisterialaneresident


26. Rich woman who had no idea how to function in the world

26. Rich woman who had no idea how to function in the worldkachol

27. Private assistant to a billionaire worked and lived next door alone for a year during the start of COVID

27. Private assistant to a billionaire worked and lived next door alone for a year during the start of COVIDKittyKenollie


28. Got a write-up for leaving work to be with wife during medical emergency

28. Got a write-up for leaving work to be with wife during medical emergencygrynch43

29. Another wild goose story

29. Another wild goose storyk923f


30. A grown-ass man who didn't know how to properly use a urinal

30. A grown-ass man who didn't know how to properly use a urinaleenvy

31. Nanny experienced several forms of sexual harassment and assault

31. Nanny experienced several forms of sexual harassment and assaultcleaning-meaning


32. Co-worker challenged Murphy's Law

32. Co-worker challenged Murphy's LawTerytha

33. A party got out of control at a bowling alley

33. A party got out of control at a bowling alleyNocte-Nils


34. Coworker chewed out new employee on their first day for leaving rotting food in fridge

34. Coworker chewed out new employee on their first day for leaving rotting food in fridgeidontdigdinosaurs

35. Intern tried faxing his belt

35. Intern tried faxing his beltFieldneyRodnerfield


36. Cashier was robbed at gunpoint, and managment tried to make them finish their shift

36. Cashier was robbed at gunpoint, and managment tried to make them finish their shiftItsEarthDay

37. Boss had a bunch of weird porn on their company issued laptop

37. Boss had a bunch of weird porn on their company issued laptopGoldensunshine7


38. HR at non-profit that hired legally blind people had to figure out details about a fight between two employees, with 4 blind witnesses

38. HR at non-profit that hired legally blind people had to figure out details about a fight between two employees, with 4 blind witnessesmarabou22

39. Another grown-ass man not knowing how to function in society

39. Another grown-ass man not knowing how to function in societyBack2Bach


40. A teacher's aide with an obscene amount of ableism

40. A teacher's aide with an obscene amount of ableismlaur3lwr3ath

Oof, some of those stories were definitely a lot. If anything, they can give us an appreciation for our own less-than-perfect jobs.

What about you, what is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever had to deal with at work? Let us know all about it in the comments section below, and be sure to share this with your friends!
