Workplace Drama Ensues As A Salaried Employee Refuses To Work Any Hours Other Than 9 To 5

Recently, an unnamed woman posted about how she protects her personal life from work.

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Workplace Drama Ensues As A Salaried Employee Refuses To Work Any Hours Other Than 9 To 5

A woman sought help from Reddit's "Am I the A**hole" community, claiming that her coworkers were irritated when she told her boss, she couldn't answer his calls or work on weekends with little to no notice. In her post, which received 17,000 upvotes. Redditor u/freeefinal wrote that she accepted a salaried job.

She was told she would work reasonable hours. That turned out to be a lie, and her boss start calling her cell phone late at night and on weekends to see if she could come in.

Being an employee can be overwhelming. With so many things to think about, such as your health, family, social life, and work, you simply can't allow the balance to be disrupted.

It is in situations like these that people forget that they're still human beings with feelings and emotions attached. Everybody wants the best for their own life.

This doesn't differ with a person who is working or looking forward to doing so. However sometimes life takes unexpected turns that can make things difficult, especially when it comes to your job.

So here's a question: What do you do if your job conflicts with your personal life? And you have to work until late at night. Continue reading to find out how it all went down with this woman.

Toxic workplace

Toxic workplaceJason ford (not the actual photo)


The sad truth is that most of these work policies are for the paper alone. Don't take them to heart or worry much about them. For unreasonable organizations, be ready to lose your job when you open your mouth.




Missed calls

Missed callsfreeefinally

Alternative time

Alternative timefreeefinally


Who knows if he's really calling because of work. Most of these bosses are full of surprises.


Weekends's responsibilities

Weekends's responsibilitiesfreeefinally





Time with family

Time with familyfreeefinally


Everyone should be allowed to be who they want to be and voice out whenever they want to at every point in time. The behavior of this woman's coworkers probably stems from jealousy.

They are not bold and they won't allow the bold ones to have peace. People like this are common everywhere.

They will always try to make you feel like you are the bad guy here just because they envy your good attitude


A good piece of advice.

Maintaining a clear separation between work and personal life is critical to reducing stress. However, it's become a lot more difficult to do so.

For the most part, "work has fully invaded our personal lives," says Christine Carter, a sociology and senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. But "the reverse is not necessarily true," she tells NBC News.

Is it fair to say that people don't bring their private lives to the workplace in the same manner that they bring their work home? Efforts by Carter and others in the business to avoid the problem from worsening are due to commence in the coming decade.

They are described as follows:

One of the most important aspects of the workplace is that employees can bring their personal lives into the workplace. This misconception of multitasking needs to be dispelled.

People should stop valuing themselves depending on the number of times they work. Employees need a regular amount of time off; this is a need.

Everyone needs rules and regulations for their digital devices; this is a need. Sixth, everyone needs to keep talking about caregiving duties.

Gender harassment and discrimination need to be discussed more frequently in the workplace; Employees need to know their employers care about them in the areas that matter.

As a result of advances in technology, many people can work around the clock since they are constantly accessible. However, if people want a healthy, productive, and innovative workplace, they need to implement these kinds of initiatives.

Availability is not always consistent.

A good piece of advice.theOGbeav

Phone number

Phone numbersueelleker


Just like this woman, people need to stand up for themselves and so NO to any form of maltreatment. In the long run, only you care about yourself!


Job hunting

Job huntingBlackcat0123

Unfair colleagues

Unfair colleaguesAccordingTelevision6



Let go

Let gofilkerdave





Pay per hour

Pay per hourCrystalQueen3000

Prepare to be fired

Prepare to be firedYourImaginaryFried



Disturb mode

Disturb modeRedChaoticPanda


Sure the coworkers are not the ones irritated here, there is every possibility the boss is as well. This dilemma can affect one's growth in a company!

You will just be working non-stop, no acknowledgment! No bonus! No promotion! No raise!


Fire you

Fire youThatSavings

What this story goes to show is that modern workplaces are not the ideal environment for everyone, and should be a far cry from what everyone is used to. For this reason, people are trying different tactics to protect their time and leave work feeling refreshed.

If many people start doing this, it may give bosses pause before demanding long hours from workers. Only through common sense can everyone as a workforce ensure continued high productivity while helping to eradicate the stigmas around mental health in the workplace.
