This Woman Lost 150 Pounds After Her Nutritionist Advised Her To Follow 3 Simple Rules
These steps have helped her and who knows maybe it can help you, too.

Trying to lose weight is no fun! It requires determination and motivation each and every day to eat healthily and exercise. It can get tiring and that's why so many people give up in their second week.
But Amanda Wood didn't give up and pushed through everything and lost 150 pounds in just two years by simply following three simple steps. How did she do it? She started in 2015 when she was tired of feeling slouchy and tired all the time. At that point in time, she was weighing 375 pounds and was wearing a size 28.
She decided the best road to go is through a nutritionist, who helped her work out a diet according to her body and what will work for her. "I follow balanced macros, which for me means that I try to ensure I am getting 35 percent of my calories from carbs, 25 percent of my calories from fat, and 40 percent of my calories from protein," Amanda said.
After her diet was sorted out she got to the second step. It was exercise, the thing that most people hate doing! She couldn't do it herself so she opted for a personal trainer to push her to her limits. "Now going to the gym is one of my favorite times of the week".
The last and most important step for Amanda was setting goals that she will be able to achieve and balancing everything. "Five pounds is much more manageable than the 200 pounds," she said. Her motto and favorite thing to say to encourage people is, "Just don’t give up".
Here is Amanda at 375 pounds

Now two year later she weighs 150 pounds less

She really wanted a change

Eating healthily

Incredible face results

Exercise helped her get that edge

"I have never actually admitted to anyone how heavy I had been"

Loose clothes are the best feeling when you have lost weight

She did set small reasonable goals for herself

This helped her in turn lose all that weight and keep her motivated

"You will have days where you want to give up, where you get off track, or where you struggle"

"Just don’t give up. Grant yourself grace and get back on track with your next meal or next workout"

Elzaan Van der merwe