Redditor Cries Out After "Foolishly" Accepting To Take Care Of A Litter Of 9 Puppies Along With Their Mom
"Like an idiot, I offered to watch them for two weeks so he could travel"
- Published in Animal Stories
You’re looking forward to your first litter of puppies with your canine best buddy! What a fantastic trip you will have.
Even for seasoned dog owners, the time leading up to those puppies' arrival can be a little intimidating. It can also be very exciting to wait for the pattern of tiny paws.
One of the most gratifying experiences is breeding dogs and raising puppies. Every litter is different in some aspects.
It takes years to accumulate the experience necessary to spot warning signals of potential issues and know how to act to save the lives of puppies. When a dog gives birth to her puppies, breeders should be there, especially if it's her first litter or if she's an older female.
If necessary, you might be able to intervene quickly to lessen the likelihood that the puppies will die. Sadly, the Redditor in today’s story wasn’t aware of what was in store for her before accepting to take on a task she thought would be rosy.
She cried out to the r/dogs subreddit community to help salvage what was left of her mental state. She left a really lengthy thread on the page stating the situation she found herself in and asking questions that she would love answers to.
Here is the full thread below, so grab a bite, keep scrolling and enjoy!
How it all started...
u/HipsterBefore_YouSo adorable
u/HipsterBefore_YouI offered to watch over a liter of puppies
u/HipsterBefore_YouHere, the OP lists her present situation
u/HipsterBefore_YouAnd it continues...
u/HipsterBefore_YouIt is a challenge:
u/HipsterBefore_YouThis is the part where she lists the questions that's bugging her
u/HipsterBefore_YouThank you all so much
u/HipsterBefore_YouA little edit to add to the whole thread
u/HipsterBefore_YouRedditors trooped in to help the OP out as they offered insightful tips for her to take better care of the pups. Some also added that the OP is a good person for doing such for a friend.
Here are some of their topmost comments below...
1. This commenter is sending the much needed hug to the OP
Ggbnyc2. They owe you a big one after this
ali-V3. Having homes to go to
Beansontoastisgreat4. The OP feels like a moron for thinking she could do this
sagsfour205. The OP is actually concerned about liability
ptownkt6. Having puppies is a lot of work
NotYourMomsDildo7. You are an amazing and all round great person
Illustrious_Copy_9028. Your friend ought to pay you back
Medium-Database18419. Hang in there but this too shall pass
gruntthirtteen10. They should all be going back soon right?
melasuarus11. Why adults drink...
Emergency_Web_872212. You are a better person than I am
BodyBy71113. Raptors with fur
Alicex1314. This Redditor sends well wishes
NikizNDimz15. Advice from someone who has dealt with a lot of puppies
BlackMagic016. Resolve and write a movie about it
blueandgoldLA17. Should the puppies not visit the vet?
Crosswired218. The biting is insanity
LookingforDay19. How much longer do you have?
OffensivelyDamned20. This is so much for one person to take
BlackSea5The OP added an update later on to tell us the situation of things and here they are below...
The first update
u/HipsterBefore_YouThe second update
u/HipsterBefore_YouThe OP thought it was going to be all Instagram photos and cute puppy cuddles, but reality soon set in and she regretted her actions. Well, it’s certain she’ll learn a thing or two from this experience.
What advice do you have to give this Redditor today? Share them with us in the comments section below.