Willow The Beautiful Cat Is Teaching The World About Kindness And Acceptance

Are you ready to embrace and celebrate differences with Willow? <3

Willow The Beautiful Cat Is Teaching The World About Kindness And Acceptance

We love celebrating the unique differences of cats almost as much as we love nodding humorously in agreement over the similarities every cat seems to offer us.

While every cat is sincerely beautiful and beloved in their own way, there is something about Willow the Beautiful Cat that stands apart and stands out in all the best ways, and it's not as simple as her appearance. Its undeniable: her purrsonality is totally cat-tastic!

Wanting to know more about Willow and her mission to spread kindness and acceptance, we reached out to her human to get to know them both a little better.

"Imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone looked at it the way I do. #bekind"

- Willow


Willow is known on Instagram as Willow The Beautiful Cat, and she is truly beautiful, inside and out.

At 5 weeks old she was a scared, tiny kitten weighing only 10oz and sick. But within 2 years, thanks to the devotion and love of the human who found her, she was thriving.


Willow's distinct appearance will catch your eye, but it's the purrsonality in her Instagram account that warms your heart and inspires you to do more... to be kind.


The furry Florida family includes Willow and her dog sister, Ella.


Willow's journey didn't start out as fashionably fabulous as it is today. Her human told us:

I am a special education teacher and one day when I was leaving my student's medical foster home a tiny little kitten was on the doorstep.


She continued:

She followed me to my car and I took her home. I took her to my vet the next day. I was told that she was a 5 week old girl. 


She had an eye infection, intestinal parasites and fleas. The vet said that she seemed healthy besides her birth defect to her face. We don't know what caused it. 


She was from a feral cat community and her mom abandoned her probably due to her birth defect.


Today, Willow is 3 years old and her Instagram account is helping spread a powerful message about inclusiveness, support, and acceptance for diversity. Most importantly, they share a message of kindness at willowthebeautifulcat.


"So many people ask me how I keep my flower hats on my head. They are not taped or glued on. (Yes, people have said that). They simply stay on my head like you keep your hat on."


Willow's family was happy to talk more about this sweet heart-nosed kitty:

I named her Willow after the street where I found her. 




Another distinct feature of Willow's? She doesn't have a spicy bone in her body. She is all sweetheart! Her mum said:

Willow isn't very naughty. She loves to sit in our laps, lay with her boxer dog sister Ella and play with pipecleaners.


"All you need is love. And a tiara.... maybe a boop... and treats."


Speaking of accessories...

I started putting flowers on her head because I thought her photos needed some color. She doesn't seem to mind the flowers.


It is not unusual to see pictures of Willow outside or enjoying some lap time with her momma:

She loves to sit outside with me and watch birds and bugs.

These days a visit to Willow's page could make you smile, make you giggle, or just inspire you to be the positive you want to see in the world.


It is no mistake that you could find yourself pawsitively inspired:

She's a very sweet little cat so I use her Instagram and Tiktok to promote kindness and acceptance of differences.


"Kind people are my kind of people."



Keep up with Willow the Beautiful Cat by following her here on Instagram.

Don't forget to share the positive vibes! Do you know anyone who would LOVE Willow?
