20+ Images Of People Sharing The Wildest And Utterly Hilarious Google Reviews They’ve Seen

With a great number of online review spots open to anybody with an email address and web access, it makes one wonder how helpful some composed reviews can be.

  • Published in Funny
20+ Images Of People Sharing The Wildest And Utterly Hilarious Google Reviews They’ve Seen

Google is the world's biggest and most influential internet search engine, and it's capable of collecting a wide range of data about our surrounding world. We rely on it, particularly during the lockdowns and limitations of the past years. 

Going to the peak of Google's results with gleaming reviews, of course, is presently an objective that numerous organizations want to accomplish. It assists in enhancing their success and also drives gains. Internet reviews can influence a customer’s decision to spend their hard-earned money.

Reviews are an excellent way of disseminating accurate information about a product or service and advising others on whether it is worth their time and money. With a great number of online review spots open to anybody with an email address and web access, it makes one wonder how helpful some composed reviews can be. 

Truth be told, if you dig further, you'll find a wide range of unusual and silly explanations behind both incredible and horrible reviews. Furthermore, some entrepreneurs even go as far as retaliating against their detractors, which results in some silly yet funny comments. 

In a tweet that went viral, @therimaahmed uploaded some of the best instances of the review show found online. There are café reviews, silly facts shared by guests, and a lot of scrappy answers to boot.

Have a look at them below and have a good laugh. 

1. I didn't see that coming...

1. I didn't see that coming...adhamhocaoimh

2. This is a looong back to back review

2. This is a looong back to back reviewrubyskyeruby

3. Someone is getting a "fishy" revenge

3. Someone is getting a jonbaker1968

4. Assaulted by a dark energy

4. Assaulted by a dark energyepweinbe

5. A butterfly farm review

5. A butterfly farm reviewxGFiend_

6. No freaking way!

6. No freaking way!therimaahmed

7. What!

7. What!TheSqish

8. A 5 star venue

8. A 5 star venueKneidlachJenner

9. Excellent service with one star?

9. Excellent service with one star?_Dave_Smith

Since it was first established decades ago, Google has truly branched out. Google started out as a way of finding websites, but now it's capable of looking for every conceivable thing that you can imagine. 

Responding to negative reviews is tricky, as nobody likes to hear bad feedback or go up against their faultfinders.

10. What's going on here?

10. What's going on here?15Deloreans

11. Everything is pricey...

11. Everything is pricey...shiny_swablu

12. Pickle man

12. Pickle manm2zzystar

13. Why would anyone say that to a customer?

13. Why would anyone say that to a customer?spinitsideways

14. What a review!

14. What a review!bitsy19

15. A wonderful hotel

15. A wonderful hotelP____70

16. This is a funny review

16. This is a funny reviewa_bebop

17. Such a long time...

17. Such a long time...codyclary

Reacting to positive reviews is similarly important as it shows the human side of the business that individuals can relate to. It creates an incredible picture for a business when people leave their opinions and potential customers see the review answers. 

18. And his wife was swayed.

18. And his wife was swayed.PukeyPuke420

19. There was no pizza

19. There was no pizzabethdotlife

20. Tasteless, no salt

20. Tasteless, no saltsomecallmemaria

21. Pizza place review

21. Pizza place reviewRobertFifoot

22. lol... I can't help it

22. lol... I can't help ithaurchy

23. Beef has a seat in the reviews

23. Beef has a seat in the reviewsktlyndng

24. Oh, my!

24. Oh, my!Cbv_Music

25. Don't go

25. Don't goKhatmandont

26. A Personal Attack

26. A Personal AttackGeoffreyofAnjou

27. War crimes museum

27. War crimes museumMoiraPrime

It tends to be a difficult exercise to oversee both the positive and negative reviews, but it's shown to be an indispensable part of the business. But we can't resist the urge to enjoy the moments when reviews or their reactions kick up some drama.

As an owner, it must be hard to stay professional when a few reviews are simply asking to be torn up.
