Family Feud is an American television game show that features two competing families that try to guess the most popular answers according to survey questions. The participants of the show can win cash as well as prizes.
The two competing families are each represented by five members who compete by attempting to determine what answers the survey questions will have. It is a fun television game show that always ends up having the most hilarious moments, especially with the host, Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey's reactions to odd and unusual answers are always priceless, he is one of the main reasons why some people watch the show. Throughout the years, the show has had some pretty unusual competitors who constantly gave the weirdest answers.
The host of the show, Steve Harvey always reacts to the answers in a quite funny manner, and people instantly realize after that how terribly wrong their answer was, it never gets old. The clips below are some of the wildest and most shocking moments from Family Feud.
They're so random that they caught Steve Harvey completely off guard, which is why he needed some contemplation time for a brief moment after hearing some of the answers people gave.
1. That's oddly specific, this man probably lives with his grandma.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
2. I mean...she's not wrong at all.
He looks absolutely mortified ππ
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
3. He was definitely disappointed with that answer.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
4. Steve might not agree, but the people have spoken
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
5. Definitely not his brightest moment right here.
Steve completely lost it after a while ππ
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
6. Steve did not let him get away with this one.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
7. Each answer makes him lose hope in humanity a little more.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
8. He was not happy with this answer.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
9. He was definitely not ready for this one.
I mean it does start with POT
The face of a man who completely lost faith in humanity.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
10. That's the first thing that would pop into most people's minds.
He didn't have enough strength to stay on his feet for this one.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
11. "Am I hearing things or did he just say that?"
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
12. The fact that she's Steve Harvey's wife Marjorie makes it even funnier.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
13. It is a "hot date" after all.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
14. Either that or starvation in the middle of the North Pole.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
15. She had that answer hot and ready.
Here's the full clip featuring the whole interaction:
Family Feud is such a fun show to watch. The contestants are often unpredictable and will say whatever comes to their mind first, which adds a great aspect to the show.
The questions are kind of designed to take you down a certain path when you start your thinking process, but it is not always that way. Some people simply have random weird thoughts and they are definitely not shy about sharing them on television.
Steve Harvey is hands down the best part of the show. His reactions are always overdramatic and hilarious, which makes the show much more interesting to watch.