Man Makes Wife Upset With His Comments About Her Spirit Animal Being A Cat, Gets Termed The AH

"My wife is pretty affectionate, but on her own time."

Man Makes Wife Upset With His Comments About Her Spirit Animal Being A Cat, Gets Termed The AH

A spirit animal is a mythical creature that some people believe can communicate with them on a "spiritual" level. They are frequently seen as protectors or guides.

They can, therefore, provide support during trying times and open one's eyes to fresh viewpoints on life. In a similar vein, an animal guide is frequently viewed as a strong being who may help us gain a fresh perspective on our surroundings and other people's traditions.

Some spiritual and ancient societies hold the view that particular animals can communicate with the spirit world. Your life path may become clearer and more guided as a result of this connection.

Typically, it alludes to an animal that is regarded as a born leader, and they are frequently linked to profound spiritual insight. Some cultures hold the view that your favorite animal closely resembles your true self. 

But the OP's viewpoint of a spirit animal is the attitude that one displays. The OP actually had a little disagreement with his wife because he said she was more like a cat, and his spirit animal was more like a dog.

It started when the OP gave his daughter a big hug, and she smiled and gave him a hug back. His wife asked why the daughter didn't give that kind of reaction as well, and the OP gave her a reply that made her upset and mad at him.

Read the entire story for yourself below.

Here is the story's headline

Here is the story's headlineReddit/Farmer_Susan

They have two large playful dogs and a one year old cat, and they are all stereotypical dogs/cats

They have two large playful dogs and a one year old cat, and they are all stereotypical dogs/catsReddit/Farmer_Susan

OP's wife got upset when he said that, and immediately got pretty grumpy, muttering different things

OP's wife got upset when he said that, and immediately got pretty grumpy, muttering different thingsReddit/Farmer_Susan

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

I might be an a-hole because of the way that I described my daughters reaction to my wife.


Here are a bunch of the topmost comments from other Redditors for you to read through below

Here are a bunch of the topmost comments from other Redditors for you to read through belowReddit/Farmer_Susan

The OP should just pet his wife a little more and she'll come around

The OP should just pet his wife a little more and she'll come aroundReddit/Farmer_Susan

The OP should stop being naive and referring to things as spirit anything

The OP should stop being naive and referring to things as spirit anythingReddit/Farmer_Susan

Unless the OP is a native American, he should stop using words like spirit animal

Unless the OP is a native American, he should stop using words like spirit animalReddit/Farmer_Susan

OP's wife was being vulnerable and relating something sensitive

OP's wife was being vulnerable and relating something sensitiveReddit/Farmer_Susan

This Redditor doesn't agree that it has anything to do with spirit animal

This Redditor doesn't agree that it has anything to do with spirit animalReddit/Farmer_Susan

OP's wife should take it as a compliment because cats are adorable

OP's wife should take it as a compliment because cats are adorableReddit/Farmer_Susan

It's a minor disagreement but this Redditor can understand why she's hurt

It's a minor disagreement but this Redditor can understand why she's hurtReddit/Farmer_Susan

It seems like something else is going on here

It seems like something else is going on hereReddit/Farmer_Susan

The fact that you have to earn a cat's love and affection means that they are reserved. They can be extremely affectionate, but only toward those they select.

Many Redditors believe that the OP intended his reply to be humorous and lighthearted, but his wife didn't interpret it that way for whatever reason. He was declared the AH, and you too can drop your own verdict in the comments section below.
