Man Wants His Wife To Stay Awake And Talk To Him During A Road Trip, Gets Roasted For It

"Despite my perfectly logical answer, she apparently got emotional"

Man Wants His Wife To Stay Awake And Talk To Him During A Road Trip, Gets Roasted For It

You may take advantage of one of the most memorable holiday experiences—the road trip—if you know how to drive a car. Nowadays, when a family wants to go on an adventure, too many of them fly off for an all-inclusive resort vacation.

It seemed that everyone had forgotten how wonderful road trips can be. The magic you'll encounter when traveling by car doesn't go away just because flying has become the new standard.

The main issue is that most people don't recognize all the advantages that road vacations can provide. Just the mere prospect of spending a lot of time traveling will discourage many families from even considering taking a trip.

You have many different kinds of relationships in your life, but your family relationship is unquestionably one of the strongest. If you have a close-knit family, you probably know everything there is to know about one another.

Therefore, it is not difficult to comprehend why and you're aware of how crucial it is to preserve such a wonderful connection. Road trips are one of the best methods to achieve this.

The OP was going on a road trip with his wife and kid. They rotated driving in shifts, but the problem was that his shift fell during the night.

He was feeling really lonely and needed his wife to talk to him, but this caused an issue between them.

The OP kicks off his story and he started off with this headline

The OP kicks off his story and he started off with this headlineReddit/LipstickRibsteak

The OP, his wife and their 2 year old are going on their first family road trip to California

The OP, his wife and their 2 year old are going on their first family road trip to CaliforniaReddit/LipstickRibsteak

The OP shook his wife awake, but then their son woke up and you can probably guess what happens next

The OP shook his wife awake, but then their son woke up and you can probably guess what happens nextReddit/LipstickRibsteak

The least the OP's wife could do is to stop being selfish and help keep the OP sane

The least the OP's wife could do is to stop being selfish and help keep the OP saneReddit/LipstickRibsteak

The Reddit story got a lot of attention as it has more than 4k comments and over 12k upvotes in only a matter of days. Here are some of the top comments for you to read through below

The Reddit story got a lot of attention as it has more than 4k comments and over 12k upvotes in only a matter of days. Here are some of the top comments for you to read through belowReddit/LipstickRibsteak

This Redditor believes the OP is the AH for several reasons

This Redditor believes the OP is the AH for several reasonsReddit/LipstickRibsteak

How did the OP think the wife would take it?

How did the OP think the wife would take it?Reddit/LipstickRibsteak

Why does the OP think that his need is much more important than his wife's needs?

Why does the OP think that his need is much more important than his wife's needs?Reddit/LipstickRibsteak

The OP would have been kicked out of the car and left along side the road

The OP would have been kicked out of the car and left along side the roadReddit/LipstickRibsteak

The OP needs to come up with a way to keep himself entertained

The OP needs to come up with a way to keep himself entertainedReddit/LipstickRibsteak

Does the OP expect his wife to just stay up the entire road trip?

Does the OP expect his wife to just stay up the entire road trip?Reddit/LipstickRibsteak

The OP needs to swallow his pride on this or their vacation will be ruined

The OP needs to swallow his pride on this or their vacation will be ruinedReddit/LipstickRibsteak

Family road trips are crucial for fostering closeness within the family and creating lasting memories. Redditors were of the opinion that the OP was the AH, as guys who go right to the logical/emotional defense think they are smarter than their wives, and they are clearly always right because they are guided by clear masculine logic and their wives by hysterical feminine emotion. Drop your own verdict in the comments below.
