Woman Breaks Husband’s Heart By Completely Bashing The Restaurant He Visited Often With His Late Mom

Maybe honesty is overrated, after all.

Woman Breaks Husband’s Heart By Completely Bashing The Restaurant He Visited Often With His Late Mom

A person’s spouse is usually the closest person to them, so it’s not uncommon for them to want to share their most important moments and memories with them.

Typically, before people even decide to tie the knot, their partner knows several things about them, including what their past was like.

Childhood memories, for example, are one of the most cherished memories because of the nostalgia they bring. So it’s not unsurprising that people would love to share those memories with their current partners.

However, sharing these memories with a partner may come with its complications. There’s a possibility the person doesn’t understand their importance or even feel the same way about them as you do

We found one of those situations on the AITA subreddit.

A woman shared that her husband’s late mum had taken him to a Chinese restaurant every Friday as a kid. While visiting his hometown about two decades later, he saw that the restaurant was still operating and was understandably ecstatic.

OP noted that even though they were both on a diet, she didn’t mind her husband buying a thing or two at the restaurant. However, he went ahead to purchase half of the menu.

Additionally, she complained about him talking to the restaurant owner for thirty minutes while she had to wait. 

Everything came to a head when her husband asked her how she felt about the food when they’d arrived home. OP didn’t like the food and wasn’t interested in mincing words.

You can already guess that this didn’t go well with her husband. 

Scroll down to read the entire story!

Here's how it all went down

Here's how it all went downReddit

Prepping for a nostalgia dinner

Prepping for a nostalgia dinnerReddit

You know the food is special when someone orders half the menu

You know the food is special when someone orders half the menuReddit

A heart-wrenching honest opinion

A heart-wrenching honest opinionReddit

OP's husband didn't take those comments lightly

OP's husband didn't take those comments lightlyReddit

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"You didn't have to rag on it. You could have just said it wasn't your style."


"Apologize to your husband for your gross insensitivity."


"YTA. How dare he spends a few minutes speaking to an old acquaintance!? How dare he want to relive good childhood memories!?"


"You were aware that the meal was about a nostalgic memory and not an audition for Gordon Ramsay. YTA"


"Sounds like you rained on what was basically a sweet trip down memory lane."


"YTA. There is something called tact. Look it up. Learn it. Live it."


"Nothing wrong with speaking your mind, but take into consideration your husband's feelings."


"You straight up disregarded his emotions and nostalgia towards this meal"


"Why did you have to ruin his childhood nostalgia? Why did you chose to be deliberately harsh?"


"OP needs to learn the difference on being honest and being cruel."


"Learn some empathy...YTA"


"You could have considered your response much better. Honesty doesn't have to be so reductive to only criticism."


"You knew this place was special to him and he was clearly super excited about it. I feel like you could have been a bit more gentle with your response."


"I can appreciate that this was likely kinda boring for you, but c’mon, grow a heart."


"Don’t rain on your husband’s parade."


"Adult up and stop acting like self-centered brat."


OP didn’t get much love from the Reddit community. Many believe she was selfish and inconsiderate about her husband’s feelings.

Some even argued that she could have been honest without hurting his feelings. Yes...sometimes we can say our truths while also being emphatic.

What do you think? Was OP the A-hole for being honest about how she felt about the food? Let us know in the comments below!
