Man Shares Reason Behind Parents' Divorce With Girlfriend, Faces Backlash From Mom For Making Family Appear "Dysfunctional"
It's best to tell the truth and part of the truth is opening up about the parts of life you're not exactly happy with.
- Published in Interesting
When it comes to our parents, some of us have parents who are divorced, single moms, single dads, people with two-parent households, and everything in between. Sometimes, this background of our family can seem embarrassing if it's not the outcome you'd hoped for.
In today's AITA thread post, we're going to be looking into a story that was posted by a guy who told his girlfriend why his parents are divorced, but now his mom is mad at him for making their family look dysfunctional, especially before she'd even met his dad.
This situation might seem small and like it doesn't matter, but it's important to recognize that people should be open to sharing their stories and backgrounds because it makes us us. He says that he feels bad about telling her because he forgot that his mom told him not to tell her about the divorce, but honestly, it doesn't seem like anyone should be ashamed of the things that happened or how they grew up.
If you're interested in hearing more about this situation or seeing what people had to say in the comments below then keep on reading as we dive into the details of OP's full original post.
OP explains the details on how he told his girlfriend the reason as to why his parents got divorced, which he explains to us as well.
u/mebungholeHe says that his mom actually told him not to tell his girlfriend nay of this about their divorce and that he feels bad for telling his girlfriend.
u/mebungholePeople came right to the comments and let him know that he's NTA because his part is part of his story and he should be able to tell it.
FactBearsEatBeetssThis is true for establishing a long term relationship, plus it would've came out sooner or later.
RedditThis person called out OP a little bit but we do agree that all families are dysfunctional on some level.
liarslittleprettyIt's very important to be open and honest in your relationship and telling them your history is all part of the process.
chyaraskissThis one actually voted soft YTA for telling the girlfriend after their mom told them not to tell her anything.
IronAvenger079Learning from our parents mistakes is important and so is telling your partner the truth and being honest about who you are.
BetterFunction0OP is their own person and what they decide to share or not share about their life is totally up to them, not their mom.
HowardProjectThis really clears it up because if OP's girlfriend wasn't concerned then neither should OP's mom.
EvasiveFriendThis is true because the mother's request wasn't something that should've been asked for.
RedditPeople seem to be mostly on OP's side in the comments and we have to agree that the mother's request to not tell his girlfriend wasn't right because he should be as open with her as possible. Some people voted OP TA for disobeying his mom in what she asked of him, but we feel that the request shouldn't have even been asked.
What do you think?