13 Wholesome Dog Tweets That Every Dog Lover Needs To See
Get ready to woof this piece!

Asides from being the cuddliest buddies you could ever ask for, dogs are also the funniest ones you could ever need. And the best part is that they're so much fun that it’s impossible to get tired of them.
Every dog lover knows that dogs deserve a special spot in the entertainment industry, even though they entertain for free. Okay, maybe that’s not true. They collect their payment in treats and cuddles.
Since time immemorial, these canines have filled many lives with humor and excitement. If they weren't so important, we wouldn’t have over 450 million dogs living in homes today.
If that number is shocking, look at a dog today and you’d know how impossible it is to see that adorable face and not want one.
If you think we’re saying this because we’re die-hard fans of these furry creatures, you’re not wrong. However, that’s not the only reason. And we have proof.
Here is a list of 13 dog tweets we believe every dog lover and in fact, everyone needs to see ASAP. Brace yourself because you won’t be coming out of this the same way.
You’d be coming out completely and insanely in love with dogs. Scroll down and let the fun begin!
1. Everything may be all gold, but there’s nothing more golden than this pup’s reaction.
He was the spice this video needed.

2. Dogs aren’t just terrific, it seems they have superpowers too.
We have so many questions.

3. Old but gold
We don’t doubt it’s brought many smiles to many people in those 25 years.

4. The perfect place to go dog walking
We think every dog should visit this place.

5. Dogs have never not been the best. Even the Ancient Romans agree
Just look at these works of art and tell us that’s not true. You can’t, can you?

6. Making history
We want this dog’s autograph. Don’t you?

7. Even in 475 BC, dogs were highly rated
What more proof do you need to show that dogs are loved.

8. The only plan that matters
What else could be more important than being with a fluffball you adore?

9. Babies are cute, and so are dogs. Now imagine having a baby dog. Oohhh goosebumps!

10. Yet another proof of how special dogs are.

11. Puppy dog eyes
This dog isn't making it easy for its owner to fall in love with other pets. Who can resist those eyes and that soft fur?

12. Quality time
“Don't leave me. I still have three hours of cuddle time left.”

13. Fresh off the garden
And she is looking dapper while at it.

A dog tweet a day keeps the serotonin levels high. Now imagine what these 13 tweets have done to you. You’re welcome!
Some people may complain that dogs get all the spotlight regarding pets, but we get why they do.
Just look at these tweets; how can you not love dogs? It’s impossible.
Which tweet did you enjoy the most? Tell us in the comment section!
