50 Pictures Shared By People Who Had Extremely Wholesome Colleagues Act In A Way That Will Make You Smile
The way we live our day-to-day lives is the way that we carry on with our lives.
- Published in Interesting
Some people say that how we live our day-to-day lives is the way that we carry on with our lives. For a large number of us, a lot of time is spent working in order to make ends meet and put food on the table.
While we look for the ideal balance between serious and fun activities by making all shapes and sizes of changes in our daily schedule, we probably won't understand that the greatest confidence booster is sitting directly before us. Obviously, there are numerous stories about bullies at the office and heartless employers who can make our days at work unpleasant.
However, we may end up grumbling excessively and failing to remember that our jobs can really be great, particularly when we're encircled by thoughtful and like-minded individuals. Individuals like the examples you’ll see below make coming to work more fun, coupled with the fact that you know you’re working with colleagues that actually care.
To make things better, you can be that colleague that makes the workplace more fun for others. So, we have gathered a list of probably the most wholesome colleagues, many of whom would be delighted to work with us.
Continue to scroll through and have a wide smile.
1. Endearing
im_just_laur2. I got my 88-year-old colleague's binders of poems published and delivered
saxesun3. My colleague made me this scarf and beanie after she noticed I biked to work in the cold every morning
Then_Ad76874. Heartwarming moment
maryclaireee75. A ball pit for our company's president who is a giant kid
CivilRiceOnionRing6. On the midnight of my birthday, the security guy gave me this...
Dumb_Reddit_Username7. Wholesome colleagues
cnn8. Sent out an email to my work-at-home colleagues so that anyone who drops by the office can feed my fish
LITTLEWASCHBAR9. Before my cousin died, he worked at McDonald’s for most of his life
Jean_Marie_198910. A zookeepers baby blanket for my wonderful co-worker who is having a baby
nixknits11. Happy retirement to my colleague who brings us candy
Dabrina_Meah12. A down syndrome colleague makes me a card every Christmas
nickm7813. I thought I'll be fired because my sister's health condition took a toll on me
barelylunar14. I work at a small family owned Italian restaurant and my boss brings me a small pizza and says "snack while you study"
Erin Smith15. Rare bosses
clairewillett16. Threw a baby shower for my colleague's snail who had babies when I took care of it
outofthedesert17. Gave my old computer to my colleague who couldn't afford one and he happily asked that I snap him
JumpyyyKO18. A note from a colleague during a dark time
yodelaheehoo6619. Last day at my present job and my colleague made me an "anime" quilt because I loved anime
AccordianAttack20. My colleagues made me this for my birthday because they knew I was on a diet
itchypoopsarethebest21. My mum retired as a nurse and her colleagues threw her a big party
Kvk199122. Made by my wife to her colleague who's dog unexpectedly passed away
dev0urer23. I've got the best colleagues
CarnalSanders24. My workplace is closing down for a while and my manager gifted me this
Fappy-McHandsome25. I take unattended phones and taking selfies. Today, my colleagues have me an album of pictures found on their phones
TrailRatedRN26. The receptionist prints memes and pastes them
tokensbro27. A colleague makes this boxes for charity. He needed leather, I offered him my late dad's jacket and he made this for me
Ehellegreg28. A janitor from my mom's workplace gifted her this
lucador29. A good co-worker
Hijae30. Me in 1965 with completed model airplane versus me 56 years later with a Christmas gift of identical replica from my colleague
No-Mathematician710531. A co-worker made this for my boyfriend on the day he left the company
kmonizzle32. Wife had to cancel baby shower due to Corona and colleagues threw her a little one
Euskaltano33. Very thoughtful
Eeenesto_34. My colleague's kittens cuddling on my lap
jelly_jam_toast35. Co-worker bought me this after I said I've never tasted it
mccarthybergeron36. Colleague's wife made this for me after my cat died
reddit.com37. My girlfriend's boss gives her healthy lunches due to her fainting spells
Metallschleifer38. My grandma is always appreciated by her teachers for cleaning schools better than everyone
Peabo72139. I recently slipped due to my work out shoes and my colleague bought me a new one
EvilVileLives40. I and a colleague bought our marvel fan boss a MK 1 arc reactor after his surgery
KerberosPanzerCop41. Couldn't afford it and I got new boots on my workbench this morning
Oldmate8142. My colleague set up this surprise dinner date with a personalized menu and three course meal
JRosie27943. My colleague's dog photo and my gift to her
giiglesandtickles44. Co-worker checking up on me after I broke up with my gf
geeitswill45. My colleague blessed me with a $500 cash Christmas gift
Arkater46. Drawing little pictures for my colleagues to find in the morning
MissChemistryNerd47. My department is having a good day because a colleague is having a hysterectomy
tjackso648. My mum who is a nurse spent the day making masks for her colleagues
DeanAbstract49. My wife made over 100 truffles for her colleagues
reddit.com50. This young man's bike was stolen and we banded together and got him a new one
shark-bananasHaving fantastic relationships with the people you work with can have a significant impact on your drive for success and professional achievement. Close bonds alleviate the stress you may be feeling in your current position, whether it's venting about your employer or chit-chatting about the end-of-the-week plans.
So, tell us in the comments which photo made you smile widely the most!