20 Wholesome Things That Will Make You Believe In Humanity Again

2018 wasn't the best year but that doesn't mean that good things didn't happen.

  • Published in Funny
20 Wholesome Things That Will Make You Believe In Humanity Again

2018 was a bit of a roller coaster of a year for everyone I think. And not the good kind of roller coaster with loop-de-loops and plenty of fast paced corners, it was more like an old, rusty coaster that will take you up 20 feet and leave you dangling upside down for three hours while the fire brigade is called to cut you down. Yeah, it was THAT kind of year.

However, it wasn't all bad, it just seems like the tiny pieces of happiness were hidden under all 2018's gross... stuff. To help you out with getting some closer we compiled a list of 20 things that might actually make you smile when you think of 2018.

I'm here to prove that not everything about 2018 was horrible, starting with this proud (and very skilled) Dad!

I'm here to prove that not everything about 2018 was horrible, starting with this proud (and very skilled) Dad!

Or perhaps this adorable friendship is more your speed?

Or perhaps this adorable friendship is more your speed?I bought my hamster a lil bed and now we do everything togeether

OR maybe you yourself enjoyed a healthy relationship like this one.

OR maybe you yourself enjoyed a healthy relationship like this one.

Whatever it is that makes you feel happy, you can bet it probably happened at some point in this year!

Whatever it is that makes you feel happy, you can bet it probably happened at some point in this year!

Strangers did some wonderful things for each other

Strangers did some wonderful things for each other

And maybe someone who's not a stranger to you too... (That's a really sweet secret!)

And maybe someone who's not a stranger to you too... (That's a really sweet secret!)

I mean, who can't be happy for a dog who found a pie?

I mean, who can't be happy for a dog who found a pie?

Or if all else fails pizza will make everyone happy!

Or if all else fails pizza will make everyone happy!

Wait. More dogs. I'm sorted.

Wait. More dogs. I'm sorted.

So you see, 2018 might have been a little crazy, but that doesn't mean it was totally terrible.

So you see, 2018 might have been a little crazy, but that doesn't mean it was totally terrible.

Sometimes we just have to take some time to appreciate the little things we have

Sometimes we just have to take some time to appreciate the little things we have

Or perhaps the little things people do for us

Or perhaps the little things people do for us

Because aren't we all just thrown into this world and forced to be functioning members of society?

Because aren't we all just thrown into this world and forced to be functioning members of society?

Personally I don't really think that's fair, but we don't get a choice.

Personally I don't really think that's fair, but we don't get a choice.

We might as well just give in to the laws of nature. Or in this case, the laws of the wild wild west

We might as well just give in to the laws of nature. Or in this case, the laws of the wild wild west

It makes life a lot easier. We all know life hacks is where it's at.

It makes life a lot easier. We all know life hacks is where it's at.

Is this a life hack? I'm not sure but they got the pic for Instagram, and that's what's important.

Is this a life hack? I'm not sure but they got the pic for Instagram, and that's what's important.

I think we all need this kind of positivity in our lives. Be more like this dog, or the owner, your choice.

I think we all need this kind of positivity in our lives. Be more like this dog, or the owner, your choice.