35 Accurate Memes And Spot-On Posts About What It's Like Having A White-Collar Job, As Shared By An Instagram Page

This is a community where people come together to talk about real issues and find some answers

  • Published in Funny
35 Accurate Memes And Spot-On Posts About What It's Like Having A White-Collar Job, As Shared By An Instagram Page

Even if you don't live in the US or work there, you can still get a sense of how bizarre American business culture is by watching movies, TV series, and other media. Because they frequently depict reality the most realistically and highlight the worst aspects of working in an office and sitting in a cubicle, we can also learn a lot from their memes.

On the other side of the globe, where summer is currently in full swing as we wait for winter, there is an Australian corporate of American corporate. Memes from the Instagram account 'The Aussie Corporate' are the best way to learn what it's like and contrast it with your own experience.

The Aussie Corporate is an extremely serious meme organization that is present everywhere. Along with a website where they discuss the realities of being a white-collar worker in Australia.

The Aussie Corporation's origin story is detailed on their website, and it turns out that they got their start during the dreadful days of the good ol' pandemic. It says:

"Forged from the fires of resentment whilst working from home during the COVID pandemic, the Aussie Corporate started out as a humble meme page but has transformed into a community of so much more.”

More info: Instagram

1. The collaboration is just you alone

1. The collaboration is just you alonetheaussiecorporate

2. Lol... What a complicated feeling

2. Lol... What a complicated feelingtheaussiecorporate

3. Seems like the end of the world to me

3. Seems like the end of the world to metheaussiecorporate

4. It feels so enraging and yet... Calming

4. It feels so enraging and yet... Calmingtheaussiecorporate

5. It is what it is

5. It is what it istheaussiecorporate

6. How a break turns into a ton of works waiting to be sorted

6. How a break turns into a ton of works waiting to be sortedtheaussiecorporate

7. I couldn't have asked for a better depiction

7. I couldn't have asked for a better depictiontheaussiecorporate

8. When you just have to keep things professional

8. When you just have to keep things professionaltheaussiecorporate

9. How are you even supposed to remember everything?

9. How are you even supposed to remember everything?theaussiecorporate

10. Never underestimate a Saturday task

10. Never underestimate a Saturday tasktheaussiecorporate

11. Now you have to go refresh so your phone can recognize you

11. Now you have to go refresh so your phone can recognize youtheaussiecorporate

12. It's better you keep to those boundaries

12. It's better you keep to those boundariestheaussiecorporate

13. And that is how everything falls

13. And that is how everything fallstheaussiecorporate

14. You never know what is lurking around the corners

14. You never know what is lurking around the cornerstheaussiecorporate

15. Lol... I laughed way too hard at this

15. Lol... I laughed way too hard at thistheaussiecorporate

16. How the work life is supposed to be

16. How the work life is supposed to betheaussiecorporate

17. Your body clock always leads the way

17. Your body clock always leads the waytheaussiecorporate

18. Asking for help from someone who has never done the task before

18. Asking for help from someone who has never done the task beforetheaussiecorporate

19. You have to know when to call to avoid apologizing unend

19. You have to know when to call to avoid apologizing unendtheaussiecorporate

20. People that used to compete to be the first in the office

20. People that used to compete to be the first in the officeAussieCorporate

21. Getting you more confused

21. Getting you more confusedtheaussiecorporate

22. Acting like they are the only ones with deadlines

22. Acting like they are the only ones with deadlinestheaussiecorporate

23. The expectations versus the reality

23. The expectations versus the realitytheaussiecorporate

24. It's only work, so chill

24. It's only work, so chillFaizanli

25. When you need something to do versus when there's actually something to do

25. When you need something to do versus when there's actually something to dotheaussiecorporate

26. I've been doomed by my own greatness

26. I've been doomed by my own greatnesstheaussiecorporate

27. It's a long wait because you have to think things through

27. It's a long wait because you have to think things throughtheaussiecorporate

28. We don't own the planet, we belong to it

28. We don't own the planet, we belong to ittheaussiecorporate

29. Oh my!

29. Oh my!theaussiecorporate

30. It can really be so annoying

30. It can really be so annoyingtheaussiecorporate

31. If you're LinkedIn, then you can definitely relate

31. If you're LinkedIn, then you can definitely relatetheaussiecorporate

32. Asking for a favor on a friday afternoon

32. Asking for a favor on a friday afternoontheaussiecorporate

33. It is never short

33. It is never shorttheaussiecorporate

34. The team is sinking happily

34. The team is sinking happilytheaussiecorporate

35. Wait, what!

35. Wait, what!theaussiecorporate

The meme page defines its vision on their page just like any serious company:

“Our vision is that The Aussie Corporate will be a platform for Aussie Corporates run by Aussie Corporates, with the aim of bringing you community-driven insights, news and gossip to equip you for your climb and grind up the corporate ladder.”

They have Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn accounts and they also have an Instagram account with close to 58k followers.
