Roommate Wanted Ad Slammed By Online Users For Requiring Potential Renters To Accept An 8x8 Space And A Prostitution-Adjacent Living Situation
This room is nearly unlivable with all the demands.

Looking for a room to rent may look like an easy task. And you'd expect normal things like splitting the rent and utilities in half or discussing who's responsible for taking out the trash and doing the dishes.
But in your search for the cheapest place to live, you may come across ads that are so odd you'd raise your eyebrows. For instance, you might stumble upon ads seeking roommates with strangely specific requirements.
From "looking for a female roommate who can potentially be my girlfriend and eventually my wife" to " Steelers fans only," these ads can be as unique as the individuals behind them.
It's as if people are trying to find their long-lost soulmates through their roommates, and sometimes, it's hard to distinguish between a room listing and a matchmaking profile. We'd wager that what you're about to read today is just as peculiar, if not the strangest thing you've seen.
An interesting yet shocking roommate wanted ad was shared by a user on the Choosing Beggars subreddit. It was posted by a group that organized a housing collective, offering an 8x8 room.
Their requirements were outrageous, ranging from being able to tolerate the noises of dogs, vehicles outside, and swingers engaging in sexual activities to no-to-little personal belongings.
Three hundred bucks for a noisy, ramshackle room? No thanks!

On top of the rent, the renter would have to pay for utilities and the "house fund."

The ad poster started listing their outrageous requirements.

For $302 bucks, this is what you get.

That's how small the renter's room would be.

A very bad example of a mutual aid, according to one Redditor.
The housing collective isn't the one offering assistance; with these demanding terms, they seem to be the ones receiving it.

There's just no way you can have peaceful night's sleep with all the noise.

The renter will pay $602 upfront, and they probably can't expect to get their deposit back.
With a room with walls that bound to collapse, renters can say goodbye to their 302-dollar deposit.

This is like a setting in a horror movie. You'd always be praying for your life with "walls" set up like that.
Who could possibly endure such a living situation? It's truly difficult to fathom.

The ad screams furries.

Getting only a tiny space with a large upfront cost already sounds like a bad deal. The noises you have to tolerate make it even worse.
We can't imagine how people would be okay with this living situation. There are bound to be conflicts during the stay and after you've left (unless you're totally okay not getting the deposit back).
This living situation seems like a breeding ground for disputes, and the odds of ever reclaiming your deposit seem slim at best. It's a perplexing situation that raises questions about the collective's motives and the standards they expect from potential roommates.
But doesn't it make you curious if there's actually a person who accepted the terms set by this housing collective?
