Hilarious 'Weird Flex But Ok' Kid Moments That Are So Weird Parents Couldn't Wait To Share Them With Everyone
"I hope for his sake his pick up lines improve."

Kids will say anything that comes to their tiny little minds. They have no verbal filter yet, and any thought, no matter how ridiculous or insignificant it might be, is good enough to be said out loud.
It takes years to build up a good verbal filter that would prevent you from getting into weird situations as an adult. Kids don't have that yet, and some of the things they say can sometimes pleasantly surprise you.
You get to see the world through their eyes from the things they randomly say. It's a refreshing perspective that shows how innocent they truly are.
Kids sometimes flex about the weirdest things. From their perspective, it makes perfect sense, but it's difficult for us to easily grasp what they are trying to say.
A Redditor who goes by the username u/donut_pickle made a post on the r/AskReddit subReddit with the following question: "Parents of Reddit, what is the best "weird flex but ok" moment you've seen from your child?" The user got a lot of hilarious replies to their question.
Some of these flexes are too hilarious! Scroll down to check out to read the replies from the original post.
1. "Not a kid but when I was 5, I had a mad crush on the 20 yo. daughter of this wealthy family friend of ours."
I had asked for her hand in marriage and she agreed willingly. Playful to her but fully serious on my part, she was carrying her soon to be groom when her mother confronted me.
"you need to have money if you want to marry my daughter".
I looked right into her eyes and without missing a beat reached into my little pockets and tossed her a penny. Her face priceless, my smirk flawless.
My game never peaked again.

2. "My 5 year-old son woke up with his voice hoarse from a cold."
Me: oh, you’ve got a cold.
Him, solemnly: no, I think i’m a man now.

3. "I hope for his sake his pick up lines improve."
My son, 4 at the time, was (I guess) trying to impress the 6 year old neighbor girl. He leaned casually on his arm and said, "I have lots of accidents. Pee and poop accidents."

4. "When my kids was potty training, he was in a phase where he loved temporary tattoos. "
We used tattoos as a reward for a successful potty trip. He got so he was covered on both arms, back and chest. We didn't think much of it, living in Seattle, until one summer day we took him to the wading pool.
For one of the first times in public, we took his shirt off, and he strode out into the pool with his toddler abs, and Thomas the tank train shorts, looking like he had just finished a hard set of reps at the free weights in the prison yard.

5. "My 8 year old son's doctor was trying to make him comfortable during an EKG by telling him he had to leave his ear with the doctor."
They went back and forth for a while and finally the doctor said he would trade him the ear for a lollipop. My son said he would not give up his ear but wanted the lollipop. The doctor said, "What! That is not a fair trade. What will you give me for the lollipop?"
My son answered dead serious, "I get the lollipop and you get my respect."

6. "When my son was about 5 we went to visit relatives in the Washington, DC area."
We were on the Metro when my son eyed a very pretty professional young woman. "I've got a lot of blocks," he told her. "If you come to my room I'll show you." Then he made motorcycle noises for about 10 seconds.

7. "I think everyone within 4 tables of us was very impressed."
When my son was 5, a waitress at Applebees asked him how old he was, to which he exclaimed, "I'm 5 and I pooped today!" I think everyone within 4 tables of us was very impressed.

8. "My daughter (3) can poop in the back yard without anyone knowing."
I picked it up for weeks wondering why the dog's poop looked so weird. I looked out of the sliding glass door one day while my girls were playing. I saw my 3 year old pooping in the middle of the yard.
Her older sister (5) sprayed her with the water house as soon as the log hit the ground. It was a spectacular scene, and I will never let them forget it.

9. Weird flex but OK
Sassy Niece after 1st day in school: "I learned how to count to eleventy today, I bet you can't!" Weird flex but... wait.
I indeed cannot count to eleventy.

10. You gotta admire the kid's confidence.
While leaving a family gathering, my cousin asked my little boy for a fist bump. My child refused, cousin said 'come on, why no fist bump?' My kid, 5 at the time, looks him straight in the eye and says 'I don't want to break every bone in your arm'.

11. "My three year old said she wanted to be a scientist."
I was so proud.
The next day we were driving and she says "Dad! There's a scientist!"
It was a guy on a street corner spinning a sign for a pizza place.
A sign-tist.

12. He obviously doesn't need to go to school anymore.
My son told me he doesn't need school because he already knows the name of 10 dinosaurs.
For anyone who wants to know, my son's favorite dino is the Spinosaurus.

13. "My son was in the tub and asked exactly how old he was."
Me: “Ummmmm...about 4 years, 10 months, and 4 days.”
After a few moments of deep thought, I heard him say quietly and reverently to himself:
“...and I haven’t been bit by a single wild animal.”
Oh man. Still kills me.

14. "Had an Amber Alert hit my phone one night while my then 6yo was playing a game on it."
She asks what that was and I explained it’s a message that gets sent out of a kid gets kidnapped. She looks at it again and sees it’s for a town over two hours from where we live.
She then asks me why they sent to if it’s so far away. I said because they want everyone to look and find the kid, wouldn’t you want everyone to look if you got kidnapped?
They want to find the kid so they don’t get killed. She leans over close to my ear and whispers “I’m very difficult to kill”

15. "Was playing with figures from Pixar's Cars with a five and a three year old."
The five year old was Lightning McQueen and was narrating the story. It was super mundane stuff like "Let's go get groceries" and "We need to fill up on gas" until this exchange:
>Five year old: Look, there's a hitchhiker.
>Me: What should we do? Are we going to pick him up?
>Five year old: No. We're going to eat his skin.
I haven't looked at that kid the same since.

16. Why would she be worried about that?
My 7 y/o daughter didn’t want our houseguests to go in her room because that might see her awards (good grades, tae kwon doe belts). She worried they would think she was famous.

17. Already making serious threats at 5 years old.
My wedding day. The ring bearer (5yo) is meeting one of my groomsmen (19yo) for the first time ever. Ring bearer walks up, is introduced and he responds by going "I know where your nuts are. And, I'm the perfect height to just punch them!" Then he just stood there.

18. "A friend of mine had two young boys."
The older one, maybe 5, was sitting with him and pointed at a white hair and said “what’s this papa?” My friend said “oh it just means I’m getting old” and his son looked at him dead serious, looked at his brother and said “Well. I guess it’s just us and mom soon, huh?”

19. "My 7 year old said “ I know everything until you ask me a question”. Whelp, ... ok."

20. "The kid is really going places."
Tonight my 3-year-old stopped midway up the stairs and turned slowly to me and said, “Mom. Earlier. While you were out. I. Put. On. My. Pants. All. By. My. Self. “. I have no idea why he emphasized every word, but then he smirked and turned and kept climbing the stairs. Big day.

21. Kids and fashion
My 6 year old son recently put his foot down letting me know it was not OK for me to tell him what he could wear or not because he is allowed to have "his own fashion". Ok, fine. Shorts, sandals and one black sock it is.

Well, this was fun, wasn't it? Kids are kids, and always will be.
Kids can be pretty weird and can shock you with some of the things they say. It never fails to pleasantly surprise you and throw you off guard.
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