10+ Weird Things People Are Buying On Amazon Right Now

Get ready to bust out your "WTF" face at these bizarre items!

10+ Weird Things People Are Buying On Amazon Right Now

In the way before time, before the Internet existed or was relevant (you probably don't remember,) people bought weird things by chance, usually at places like old antique malls or small flea markets and garage sales. Today, it's a different universe. Everything anywhere is easily at our access thanks to the Internet and one of the go-to websites to buy pretty much anything your heart desires or mind can conceive existing is Amazon.

In comes Amazon Prime Day. Prime Day is a shopping extravaganza created by Amazon in which they convince millions of people to go on a shopping spree because they have deals "better than Black Friday." It works, every year. There's always the "most popular" items that fly to the checkout. Of course, then there is everyone else... and they are buying, uh, weird things? In fact, we decided to look into it and figure out what people were buying when they were not buying the obvious and we've compiled this fascinating list of the most bizarre, unusual, and just plain weird things that people have been buying on Amazon lately. 

1. An unusual book...

Somewhere some adventurous fella is going, "hold my beer...". Get it on Amazon here.1. An unusual book...Amazon

2. This nifty headband... with attached mullet.

Well, check this off on my "must buy for everyone on my Christmas list," list. I'm buying one for EVERYONE. It's only $10 and comes in black and blond varieties. I'm so excited. Get it on Amazon here.2. This nifty headband... with attached mullet.Amazon

3. Gummy Bear Anatomy Puzzle

What child wouldn't love this gem? Particularly Wednesday Adams, we're sure. It's only $26.99 so if it gives your kids nightmares then just stash it away until they're older and a little weirder. Get it on Amazon here.3. Gummy Bear Anatomy PuzzleAmazon

4. Poo Emoji Car Fresheners

For only $8.99, your car can smell like poo. Good poo, though. Get it on Amazon here.4. Poo Emoji Car FreshenersAmazon

5. The melting pig-faced silicone steamer.

I'm not sure what else to say besides the description but that's what it is. A steamer in the shape of a pig's melting face. At just under $25 I guess you can't go wrong if you like things a little unusual in the kitchen? Get it on Amazon here.5. The melting pig-faced silicone steamer.Amazon

6. Salmon Pillow

Because using the real deal would probably smell a bit fishy? It's only $16.50 and your friends will definitely have questions so consider it a conversation starter! Get it on Amazon here.6. Salmon PillowAmazon

7. Cthulhu Hat

We all know someone who would enjoy this Cthulhu hat. Get it on Amazon here.7. Cthulhu HatAmazon

8. Placenta Cookbook

Humans may be a little late to the "eat the placenta" game but that hasn't stopped our species from exploring it with enthusiasm. While most people just opt to have theirs encapsulated, more adventurous types found this handy-dandy cookbook on Amazon Kindle for only $2.99. Get it on Amazon here.8. Placenta CookbookAmazon

9. Half-Torso Husband Pillow

Whether you're "forever alone" or your husband just travels for work a LOT, this pillow could be everything you need for a restful night's sleep. Get it on Amazon here.9. Half-Torso Husband PillowAmazon

10. Body Anatomy Throw

Thought outta freak anyone out who stumbles in on your nap time. It might actually pair well with that Gummy Bear Anatomy Puzzle, too... Get it on Amazon here.10. Body Anatomy ThrowAmazon

11. Handicorn

This is sure to spark the imagination and nightmares of anyone you play with. Get it on Amazon here.11. HandicornAmazon

12. Pocket-Sized Suture Pad

When you're just a little bit obsessed with sewing human flesh, this little knick-knack lets you take your obsession with you everywhere! Cool.... for only $19.99 you can set red flags off for anyone who sees it. Get it on Amazon here.12. Pocket-Sized Suture PadAmazon

13. Life-Sized Bigfoot Statue

When each $500 piece is hand-painted by artisans you know you're in for a treat. Spice up your living room decor or garden with this absolute gem... Weirdo. Get it on Amazon here.13.  Life-Sized Bigfoot StatueAmazon

14. Nicolas Cage Pillow Case

Because on the Internet everyone loves Nicolas Cage. Get it on Amazon here.14. Nicolas Cage Pillow CaseAmazon

15. Set of Small Hands

There's one for each finger and we can already imagine all the fun we can have being a creep. Plus it's only $7.77, that's a lucky price. Get it on Amazon here.15. Set of Small HandsAmazon

16. Phallic Trophy

Let's face it, we all know someone who deserves this. Get it on Amazon here.16. Phallic TrophyAmazon
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